Contents of the Share this Dashboard Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to assign employee access for a dashboard.


Field Description
Roles Use this field to select the roles allowed to access this dashboard. Click to display a drop-down menu with a list of available roles that you can select. Continue to select another role from the drop-down menu to assign dashboard access to other roles.
An x mark is displayed beside each role. Click x beside the role to remove the role from the field.
Employees Use this field to select the employees allowed to access this dashboard. Click to display a drop-down menu with a list of available employees that you can select. Continue to select another employee from the drop-down menu to assign dashboard access to other employees.
An x mark is displayed beside each employee name. Click x beside the employee name to remove that employee from the field.
Clear All Click this option to remove all the selected roles and employees from the Roles and Employees field.