Modules Tab of the General System Settings Form

At the end of the initial DPS activation process, the modules you purchased are all activated, and the license information for those modules displays on this tab. If you later purchase other modules, use this tab to activate those new modules by entering the passwords that Deltek provides.

After you activate an module, the module functionality is not available to you until you log out of DPS and log back in.


Field Description
Client ID This field displays the client ID that you received from Deltek.
Legacy Licensing Do not modify this option unless notified otherwise.

If your firm upgraded to DPS, this option is selected and editable. This signifies that your firm uses the licensing model of Vision, CRM, GovWin CM or Ajera CRM.

If your firm is a new customer of DPS, this option is not selected and disabled.

Module This column displays the names of the DPS modules that are available for your industry.
Password For each of the currently activated modules, this column displays the password that you received from Deltek.

When you purchase a new module, enter the password for that application to activate it. When you do, license information, if applicable, displays in License and Expiration.

If you purchased the Multilingual module, entering the password for that module automatically makes available the specific set of languages that you are licensed to use. When they log in to DPS, users can select the language they prefer.

License If you purchased the module, this column displays the type of license that you have.
Expiration If you purchased the module, this column displays the date that your current license expires.