Contents of the Generic Resources Form

Use the Generic Resources form to manage generic resources when planning projects and opportunities. Generic resources are placeholders that represent categories of employees (for example, principal, architect, engineer, or geologist) that you will use when you create your plans.

Skills Grid

Field Description

Use the search field above the generic resource name to search for and select the generic resource that you want to review or edit.

To refine the results set, click the search filter drop-down arrow and select a standard or custom search:
  • Active: Display a list of active generic resources.
  • All: Display a list of all generic resources.
  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the generic resources returned by that search.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box. You can then create and apply a new custom search filter, which you can save for future use.
x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records and open a different record on the form. The numbers show you which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
Click the Switch to List View icon to switch to the list view of the form. In this view, fields are displayed in columns in one grid on the form. Records are displayed in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking to the right of the grid. This opens the Select Columns dialog box.
After you have switched to list view, click the Switch to Detailed View icon to switch back to the detailed view of the form. Detail view is the default view that displays when you open a form for the first time; thereafter, the view that was active when you closed the application will display when you open. In detailed view, all selected fields are displayed on the form. The detail view is the format that is described in help topics in the Help system.
+ New Generic Resource

Click this option to open the Generic Resource form and add a new generic resource record.


Enter a unique alphanumeric name for the generic resource in this text field. To edit the role, click next to the Name field and use the text field to edit as needed.

Code Enter a unique alphanumeric code for the generic resource.
Supervisor Enter or select the name of the generic resource's supervisor.

When you enter an employee name in this field, DPS creates a hyperlink between the employee name and the corresponding Employees hub record. Click the hypertext link to display the info bubble, and then click More to open the supervisor record in on a separate browser window.

Status Use this drop-down list to select a status of Active or Inactive. You cannot assign an inactive generic resource to a project plan.
Labor Category Use this drop-down list to select a labor category for the generic resource, such as Principal, Project Manager, Architect, and so on.

You can change the labor category if the generic resource is not assigned to any type of plan.

Labor Code Enter or select the labor code name and mask associated with the generic resource.
You can only select a single labor code name. Available values are alphanumeric labor code names and masks derived from labor code billing rate tables that are marked as available for use in planning.
  • The code name only (not the mask) is shown in the field when a selection is made.
  • This is conditionally shown.
  • The labor code name may only be edited if the generic resource is not assigned to any plan.
  • If the labor codes are not in use, this field is not displayed.
  • Administrators must select labor code combinations that are consistent with thelabor code billing rate tables that have been established for use in Planning. Therefore, only labor codes set up in rate tables are available.
Organization Enter or select the organization for which the generic resource works. Organizations are discrete business units in your company. You can set up organizations by region, function, responsibility, and so on. If no organizations are set up, this field is not displayed.

Use this grid in Detail View to enter or edit skill information for the generic resource. You cannot enter or edit skill information on the List View.

Your administrator defines employee skills/disciplines and their associated levels in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.

Field Description
+Add Skill Click this option to open the Add Skill form and add a new skill record for the generic resource.
Skill Click in this field and use the drop-down list to associate a skill, such as Computer Programmer or Project Manager, with the generic resource.
Level Click in this field and use the drop-down list to select a skill level for the employee, such as 1-2 years.
Primary Select this option if the skill is the generic resource's primary skill. You must assign one primary skill for a generic resource.

If the generic resource has multiple skills and you attempt to delete the primary skill, a message appears prompting you to first designate a different skill as the primary. You can then delete the original primary skill from the grid.