Contents of the Summary Form

Review the sections on this form to see a summary of the entries that are made on each of the forms in Time Settings.


Field Description
Company Name If you use multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form.
Options Section View a summary of the entries that are made on the Options form, such as whether or not employee signatures are required on timesheets, whether or not overtime can be entered on timesheets, and so on.
Time Periods Section View the time period increment (such as weekly) that is selected for timesheets and the first start date and last end date as entered on the Time Periods form.
Non-Work Days Section View the number of company holidays and the non-work days as entered on the Non-Work Days form.
Time Groups Section View the number of time groups that are set up on the Time Groups form.
Ratios Section View a list of the ratios that are selected to display on timesheets and the timeframe for the ratios, as set up on the Ratios form.
Timesheet Audit Section This section identifies whether or not revision auditing and billing transfer auditing are enabled on the Timesheet Audit form.
Time Approvals Section This sections shows whether or not approvals are enabled for timesheets and if so, the approval workflow as entered on the Time Approvals form.
Time Categories Section View the number of time categories that are entered on the Time Categories form.
Global Comments Section View the number of global comments that are entered on the Global Comments form.