Contents of the Generate Users Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to generate DPS users from employee records.


Field Description
Generate Users for Employees That Do Not Have a Username Use this drop-down list to select employees who have records in the Employees hub but who do not yet have DPS usernames.
Role Use this drop-down list to select the role for the user or group of users. The role defines the user's access rights to DPS. Each user must have one assigned role. You create and maintain roles on the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles in the desktop application.
Username Format Use this drop-down list to select the format for the usernames that will be generated. For example, the format Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial displays the username Richard M. Freeman as FREEMANRM. DPS defaults to all capital letters.
Initial Password Use this drop-down list to select the format for the user passwords that will be generated.
Domain (Only for Windows Authentication) Use this field to enter to select the user's domain server name, which is necessary for Windows Integrated Security. This field is enabled when you select the Windows Authentication option.
Generate Users Click this button to generate the new user and user name.