Check Errors in the Process Queue

The Process Queue Manager in DPS monitors all data integrations between DPS and other systems. You can use this to view the status of importing (receiving) opportunities, contacts, and accounts from Salesforce.

The Process Queue Manager screen displays the following information for every integration instance:
  • Status of the process
  • Description of the process
  • Date/Time when the process will be run in the future (Start After)
  • Date/Time when the process started (Started)
  • Date/Time when the process finished (Finished)
  • User who ran the process (Submitter)

To check if there were errors receiving data from Salesforce in the DPS Process Queue Manager:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Process Servers > Queue Manager.
  2. In the Queue Filter section, select the Failed option and then click Refresh Queue List.
  3. In the Queue Process grid, select a failed process row, and then click Detail on the toolbar.
  4. To view details about the error, select the failed process on the Process Queue Detail dialog box and then click Status Log on the toolbar