Enable Salesforce to Communicate with DPS

Before you can run data import, you must enable the Salesforce application to communicate with DPS.

To enable Salesforce to communicate with DPS:

  1. Open the Salesforce application, and select Setup > Build > Create > Apps in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Connected App Name
    • API Name
    • Contact Email
  3. In the Callback URL field, enter https://stormqe1.deltek.com/storm/vision/salesforce/callback (all lowercase).
  4. Open the Salesforce application, and select Setup > Build > Create > Apps from the Navigation Pane.
  5. In Available OAuth Scopes field, select the Full Access (full) and the Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access) options.
  6. The Consumer Secret and Consumer Key display in their respective fields in the API Enable OAuth Settings form. Document this information for use when configuring Deltek to connect with Salesforce.