Salesforce Integration Data Mapping

You can import opportunity, contact, and account data from Salesforce into DPS.


The following table identifies the fields that are automatically mapped from Salesforce to DPS Opportunities. You can view these field mappings in DPS at Utilities > Integrations > Salesforce under Opportunity Mapping on the Salesforce form.

All opportunities imported from Salesforce are designated with Status set to Active, with the exception of those opportunities with a Probability of 0%. These are marked as Inactive.

Salesforce Field Source DPS Notes
Account Name Firm Auto-mapped and not editable so it does not display in the user interface.
Name Name Name of the opportunity. Often includes the name of the client.
Amount Revenue How much is the end work worth if you win.
Description Description Additional details about the actual scope of the opportunity.
Lead Source Source Describes where you first learned of this opportunity. This might be a past colleague or a neighbor.
Owner ID Business Development Lead Business Development Lead is a DPS Employee Field. If an employee record is not found in DPS that matches the Salesforce Owner, this information will not be imported and will result in a warning.
Probability (%) Probability How likely you are to win the work. In DPS, the probability and stage fields are not connected as they are in Salesforce. They must be set individually.
Stage Stage The opportunity stage that identifies the location in the sales process of this specific opportunity.
Opportunity Type Type A user defined list of opportunity types typically describing the type of engagement. For example, workshop, upgrade, new customer, etc.


The following table identifies the fields that are automatically mapped from Salesforce to DPS Contacts. You can view these field mappings in DPS at Utilities > Integrations > Salesforce under Contact Mapping on the Salesforce form.

Note that all contacts imported from Salesforce to DPS are designated with Status set to Qualified.

Salesforce Field Source DPS Notes
Account Name Firm Auto-mapped and not editable so it does not display in the user interface.
Owner ID Owner If an employee record is not found in DPS that matches the Salesforce Owner, this information will not be imported and will result in a warning.
Description Memo Additional details about the contact
Email Email Contact's email
Fax Fax Contact's fax
First Name First Name Contact's first name
Last Name Last Name Contact's last name
Phone Phone Contact's phone number. This will often be their office number
Lead Source Source Where did you first learn of this lead?
Mobile Phone Mobile Contact's mobile phone
Salutation Salutation Contact's salutation
Title Title Contact's title


The following table identifies the fields that are automatically mapped from Salesforce to DPS Accounts. You can view these field mappings in the DPS Browser at: Utilities > Integrations > Salesforce > Salesforce form under Account Mappings.

Note that all Firms imported from Salesforce to DPS should be marked as Clients (select the Client checkbox) . This is necessary because DPS combines clients and vendors into firms.
Salesforce Field Source DPS Notes
Account Name Firm Auto-mapped and not editable so it does not display in the user interface.
Annual Revenue Annual Revenue Firm's annual revenue
Description Memo Additional details about the Firm which may include historical information such as when they were founded, location, offices, or industry details.
Employees Employees Number of employees at the Firm.
Industry Market The Firm's Market or Industry. For example, Healthcare, Engineering or Technology
Parent Account ID Parent If this firm has a parent firm, this allows you to keep track of that data.
Website Website Firm's website.