Projects - Firms Table Format ( ClendorProjectAssoc)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing project-firm associations. When you import those associations, the firms then display in the Firms grid on the Team tab of the Projects hub.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
WBS1 nvarchar 30 Project number. Must match existing project number.
WBS2 nvarchar 30 Phase number.
WBS3 nvarchar 30 Task number.
ClientID varchar 32 System-generated internal ID for the firm.
ClientInd varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the firm is a client (Y or N).
VendorInd varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the firm is a vendor (Y or N).
Role nvarchar 10 The firm's role on the project. Must match an existing client role or vendor role defined on the Lists form (Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists).
RoleDescription nvarchar 4000 Description of the firm's role.
Address nvarchar 20 Unique identifier for the address record; linking to the CLAddress table; null or must exist in CLAddress.
PrimaryInd varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the firm is the project's primary client; default is N.
ClientConfidential varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the primary client is marked Confidential in the Projects hub; default is N.
TeamStatus nvarchar 10 Variable indicating the vendor's Team status. Valid options are Active or Proposed.
Vendor nvarchar 20 Vendor number. If included, must match the vendor number of an existing firm.