Employees Import Notes

You can import this basic employee data into the DPS database. If the employee does not already exist in DPS, he or she is added. After you add the employee, you can use other import processes or APIs to bring in skills, credentials, education information, and citizenship information for the employee.

You can import any standard or custom data that you enter on any tabs in the Employees hub, with the exception of fields in grids and calculated fields.

Import Availability

This import is available if your enterprise has activated at least one of the following:
  • Resource Planning
  • CRM

Required Fields

To create an employee record, you must import a value for each of the following DPS fields:
  • Last Name
  • Organization (if you are using organizations in DPS)

For a new employee, you can include an employee number in the import file, but that is not required. If a record in the import file has a field mapped to Employee Number but that field is blank, the import process creates a new employee record, gives it a system-generated employee number, and displays that number in a warning message.

To update an existing employee record with data from the corresponding record in an import file, the record in the import file must contain a valid employee number.

Record Validation

To determine if an employee in the import file already exists in DPS, the import process checks for an existing employee with the same employee number.

If it finds no match, the import process creates a new employee record. If it finds a match and you selected the Update duplicate records option, it updates the existing record based on the data in the import file record.

If this field is blank, the import process assigns an employee number to the new employee record and displays that number in a warning message.

Supervisor Validation

To import employee supervisors as part of employee records, include the supervisors' employee numbers in the .CSV file and map that field to the DPS Supervisor field. The import process verifies that the employee already exists in DPS. If no match is found, the employee is imported without a supervisor.