Generic Resources Import Notes

You can import generic resources into the DPS database. If the generic resource does not already exist in DPS, it is added.

Import Availability

This import is available if your enterprise has activated at least one of the following:
  • Accounting
  • Resource Planning
  • CRM
  • CRM Plus

Required Fields

To create or update a generic resource record, you must import a value for each of the following DPS fields:
  • Code (a unique code to identify the generic resource)
  • Name

Record Validation

To determine if a generic resource in the import file already exists in DPS, the import process checks for an existing generic resource with the same generic resource code.

If it finds no match, the import process creates a new generic resource. If it finds a match and you selected the Update duplicate records option, it updates the existing record based on the data in the import file record.

Delete Existing Records and Import

When you run this import, you can select Delete existing records and import to delete all existing generic resources currently in DPS and then import a complete set of your generic resources. Note that generic resources for which resource assignments exist in DPS are not deleted. However, if you include updated data in the import file for any of those generic resources, their records are updated.