Project Assignments Import Notes

You can import resource planning assignments for employees and projects into the DPS database.

However, you cannot import employee resource assignments for opportunities, and you cannot import generic resource assignments for either projects or opportunities. Use the Projects hub in Plan mode, Resource View, or Project View in DPS to enter those assignments.

Import Availability

This import is available if both of the following are true for your enterprise:
  • Accounting is not activated.
  • Resource Planning is activated.

Required Fields

To import resource planning assignments, you must include the following in each assignment record:
  • Valid employee number mapped to the DPS Employee Number field
  • Valid full WBS element ID mapped to the DPS Project ID field
  • An assignment end date mapped to the DPS Assignment End Date field

The WBS element ID should be the full element ID that includes the IDs for higher-level elements. Use the delimiter character specified on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings) to separate the levels in the full element ID. For example, if project 01 has a phase 002, the WBS element ID for that phase in an assignment record for that phase should be 01.002, not just 002. In addition, the WBS element must be at the lowest level of its branch of the WBS; you can only enter planned resource hours for the lowest-level elements. If this field is blank or the ID does not exist or it is not at the lowest level, the record is not imported, and an error message displays.

An assignment end date is required but an assignment start date is not. If you do not include a start date with an imported assignment, the start date is set to the same date as the end date.

Overlapping Assignments

If the import file contains two or more records for the same employee and WBS element, and if those records have overlapping assignment date ranges, the import process combines those individual assignments into one assignment in DPS. That combined assignment has the earliest assignment start date and latest assignment end date from the individual assignments, and its planned hours are the sum of the planned hours from the individual assignments.

Soft and Hard Booking

All imported assignments are soft booked by default. If you have turned on soft and hard booking in Settings, you can change the booking status for assignments after they are imported.

Assignments for Unpublished Plans

You can only import assignments for plans that are marked as Published. Assignments for a plan that has unpublished changes at the time that the import process occurs are not imported.