Project Information Import Notes

You can import data for each element of the work breakdown structure (WBS) for a project into the DPS database. If the WBS element does not already exist in DPS, it is added.

Import Availability

This import is available if both of the following are true for your enterprise:
  • Accounting is not activated.
  • Resource Planning is activated.

Sequence for Building the WBS

Within the WBS for a given project, you must import a higher-level WBS element before you can import the related lower-level WBS elements below it in the WBS hierarchy.

For example, if project 01 has phases 01.001 and 01.002 below it, the record for 01 must exist in DPS before 01.001 and 01.002 can be added.

You can meet this requirement by placing the records for higher-level WBS elements before their lower-level elements in the same .CSV file. You do not have to run separate import processes for each WBS level, for example.

It is possible to import projects with up to 17 levels that are used for planning. However, the WBS element IDs for level 3 and any lower levels, plus the delimiters separating those levels, cannot exceed a total of 30 characters, so in most cases the actual maximum number of levels will be less than 17.

Required Fields

Each record in the import file must contain a WBS element ID in the field that is mapped to the DPS Project ID field.

That ID should be the full WBS element ID that includes the IDs for higher-level elements. Use the delimiter character specified on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings) to separate the levels in the full element ID. For example, if project 01 has a phase 002 and your delimiter is a period, the project ID value in the import record for that phase should be 01.002, not just 002. DPS uses those full IDs to determine where each WBS element should be located in the WBS hierarchy.

Record Validation

To determine if a WBS element in the import file already exists in DPS, the import process checks for an existing WBS element with the same full project ID.

If it finds no match, the import process creates a new WBS element. If it finds a match and you selected the Update duplicate records option, it updates the existing record based on the data in the import file record.

Client Validation

Neither Client Number nor Client Name is required. If you specify neither a client number nor a client name, the project is imported without an associated client.

If you want to want to specify a client for a WBS element, you can import a client number, a client name, or both.

If you specify both a client number and name, the import process checks for an existing client based on the client number. If none exists, you are given the option to add the client and associate it with the WBS element. If the client already exists, the client is automatically associated with the WBS element. In addition, if the name in the .CSV file is different than the current name in DPS, the name is updated.

If you specify only a client name or only a client number, the import process checks for an existing client based on the name or number. If none exists, you are given the option to add the client and associate it with the WBS element. If the client already exists, the client is automatically associated with the WBS element.

If you import only a client name, it is important to always spell the name exactly the same in the import files so that the import process does not create duplicate clients in DPS.

Project Manager Validation

To include a project manager in an import record, include the project manager's employee number in the record in the .CSV file and map that field to the DPS Managerfield. The import process verifies that the employee already exists in DPS. If no match is found, the WBS element is imported without a project manager.

Project and Billing Currencies

If you use multiple currencies in DPS, the Project Information import requires that the import record for the top-level WBS element for a new project contains a project currency code and a billing currency code that are mapped to the DPS Project Currency and Billing Currency fields. This enables other import processes to import amounts in multiple currencies for your projects.

The currencies referenced in the import file must already be set up in DPS on the Currency Configuration form(Settings > General > Currency in the desktop application).