Access to Dashboard Designer
The user's security role determines access rights to the Dashboard Designer where dashparts and dashboards for the browser application are created and modified.
Accessing Dashboard Designer
If a role is configured to have access to Assign Role Access option in the Actions drop-down on the Dashboard Designer form.
, then the users with that role can use Dashboard Designer to create dashparts and dashboards for other users. Access rights to individual dashboards are also configured in the Dashboard Designer. Assign access right to individual dashboards by selecting theOn the General tab in Dashboard Designer check box under the Settings check box in the menu items list box.
in the desktop application, allow a role to access Dashboard Designer by selecting theDashboard Designer and Dashboard
Dashboards and dashparts available or created using the Dashboard Designer are displayed in the Dashboard of the browser application that is accessed from
Dashboard in the toolbar on the main
DPS screen.
Information that is displayed in dashboards found in Record Level Security.
are determined based on the role of the user that views the dashboards. The role of the user that created the dashboard does not have any impact on what information is displayed in the dashboards they create. For more information, refer to