Generate a UK VAT Tax Return File

Use Tax File Generation to produce the UK VAT tax return file, a tax return to file with the UK tax authorities.

Pre-requisites: You must set up the appropriate box numbers on the Tax Reporting tab in Settings > Accounting > Taxes before using the Tax File Generation feature. For details, see Tax Reporting Tab of the Tax Codes Settings Form.

To generate the UK VAT tax return file:

  1. On the desktop application Navigation menu, click Accounting > Tax File Generation.
  2. In the File Format field on the General tab of the Tax File Generation form, select UK VAT Return.
  3. Select other criteria for the tax file output on the General tab.
  4. On the toolbar of the Tax File Generation form, click Generate File to create the tax file.
  5. On the Update Reporting Results dialog box, select whether to generate a draft or final summary of the file. You can close or move the summary file to reveal the Detail Backup Report dialog prompt.
  6. On the Detail Backup Report dialog prompt, choose Yes if you want to view and print the UK VAT Detail Report file. If the report is final and correct, you are ready to interface with HMRC. For details, see Interface with HMRC.