Toolbar of the Tax File Generation Form

Use the toolbar options to generate tax files.

Field Description
Generate File

After you use the General tab to select criteria for a tax file, click Generate File to generate the tax file or, for the UK VAT Return, update the tax file report results.

  • For the Belgium - Intra EU Community XML, Belgium Client Listing XML, Belgium VAT Declaration XML, or German ELSTER File file formats, the File Download dialog box opens. You can choose from the following actions:
    • Open: The file opens in Windows Notepad (or another text editing application). You can print or save the file.
    • Save: Saves the file to the database
    • Cancel: Stops the process and returns you to the Tax File Generation form.
  • For the UK VAT Return file format, the Update Reporting Results dialog box opens. You can choose from the following actions:
    • Draft: A summary of the generated tax file opens. You can close that summary or move it to reveal the Detail Backup Report dialog. On the Detail Backup Report dialog, choose Yes to view and print the UK VAT Detail Report file. The file is not stored in the database.
    • Final: A summary of the generated tax file opens. You can close that summary or move it to reveal the Detail Backup Report dialog. On the Detail Backup Report dialog, choose Yes to view and print the UK VAT Detail Report file. The file is stored in the database when you choose Submit VAT Return on the HMRC Interface tab.
    • Cancel: Stops the process and returns you to the Tax File Generation form.
Note: If the same start and end dates are used for the same company and the corresponding row of the HMRC grid on the HMRC Interface tab has a Status of F (Finalized), then you cannot generate tax file information and a dialog box informs you that tax data has already been finalized for this start and end date and cannot be regenerated.
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