
The following example shows the XML format of the timesheet record that is passed to the Web method.

The bold section of text beginning with <tkUnitDetail> in the example applies only if there is unit data. The text section that follows the bolded section and starts with <tkBreakTime> applies only if there is break time data.

    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS2 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS2 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS2 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>
    <WBS3 xml:space="preserve"/>