Key Formats

For certain numbers or codes in you database, you can use the Key Formats utilities to change the length of the code, specify a delimiter, or specify a delimiter position.

A delimiter is a punctuation character or group of characters that separates two names or two pieces of data, or marks the beginning or end of a programming construct, such as comma (,), semicolon (;), quotes ("), or braces ({}).

The changes that you make with Key Format utilities apply to all of the data in your database. Deltek recommends that you use these utilities infrequently.

When you run a key format conversion, whether by selecting Run or via the process server, DPS creates an entry for the conversion on the Posting Log Review report with a transaction type of KF.

When you perform a key format conversion, DPS changes the format of the key in the prior, current, and future periods.

Warning: Back Up Your Database

Deltek strongly recommends that you back up your database before changing any key formats. There is no way to undo key format changes.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Setup

See the Concepts section of the help for information about setting up your WBS structure and key formats.