Multicompany Analysis Utility

The Multicompany Analysis utility lets you generate a report that shows you where you need to provide additional Multicompany application setup information.

For example, the following report excerpt indicates that the setup of intercompany accounts for company PR is incomplete:

Based on this information, you can create these accounts in Settings > Accounting > Chart of Accounts for company PR and specify the appropriate access settings for them.

Deltek recommends that you use the Multicompany Analysis utility with the guidance of a Deltek consultant.

Severity Codes

On the Multicompany Analysis log, the one-letter code that displays before the item indicates the item's severity.

Code Severity Level Description
I Informational The issue is worth noting, but has no immediate impact. For example, DPS did not find individual organization combinations for a given company-level organization code.
W Warning You probably want to address this issue, but it has no immediate impact. For example, DPS found an individual organization combination without a valid company portion.
E Error An error alerts you to an issue that may prevent functions, such as postings, from completing successfully. Errors are usually the result of incomplete setup.
F Fatal Call your Deltek representative if you see this code on the log. Fatal issues directly impact your ability to use the Multicompany feature (for example, a level 1 organization code, for company, has no corresponding row in the CFGMainData table).