Project Closeout Utility

The Project Closeout utility closes out projects, phases, and tasks and transfers the closed-out information to either another project, phase, or task of the same type or to a special completed project, phase, or task number. DPS then deletes the closed-out project, phase, or task, and associated information, from the DPS database.

To close a project, the project must have the same task structure as the receiving project.

If you are closing a project, phase, or task because it is completed, note that closing removes all references to the project, phase, or task from the database. If you want to refer to the project, phase, or task in the future, you should assign the project, phase, or task a status of Dormant, rather than closing it.

After a project, phase, or task is closed, you cannot re-instate it. If you want to work with the project, phase, or task again, you can re-enter the closed-out project, phase, or task in Projects hub under its old number. The historical data, however, no longer exists in the database under the original number.

Change a Project's Number

If you want to change a project's number, you do not need to close out the project. Instead, use Project Key Conversion and continue processing as normal under the new project number.

Change a Project's Organization

If you want to change a project's organization, you do not need to close out the project. You can use the Change Project's Organization Key utility and continue processing as normal.

Project Closeout Considerations

  • Project Closeout does not warn you about closing projects that may be specified as automatic posting projects in Settings > Accounting > Company. If you close an automatic posting project, the receiving project becomes the new automatic posting project.
  • DPS does not check data entry files prior to closing projects. If you have unposted transaction files and you close a project entered in a transaction file, DPS uses the receiving project when posting the transaction file.
  • If you close a project that is the main project of a billing group, DPS removes the billing group from the database.
  • DPS consolidates budget information for closed projects.