Billing Terms Projects Table Formats (BillingTerm)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file that contains billing terms for projects.

Field Name Data Type Notes
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
Address1 varchar Optional. The first line of the client’s address. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.
Address2 varchar Optional. The second line of the client’s address. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.
Address3 varchar Optional. The third line of the client’s address. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.
Address4 varchar Optional. The fourth line of the client’s address.
City varchar Optional. The client’s city. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.
State varchar Optional. The client’s state. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.

The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in DPS. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

ZIP varchar Optional. The client’s zip code. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.
Country varchar Optional. The client’s country. If a client is specified for this project, DPS uses information from Firms hub as a default.
Description varchar Optional. The description for this project. The description will appear on the invoice.
Notes varchar Optional. Internal notes about this project.
DraftPrint varchar Optional. -1 displays if you are including this project in draft billing runs; otherwise, 0 displays.
LabMeth integer Optional. The project’s labor billing method; 0 for No Labor Billing, 1 for the Rate Times Multiplier method, 2 for the Rate Table method, 3 for the By Category method, or 4 for the By Labor Code method.
Mult1 decimal Optional. The first labor multiplier to apply to the employee’s rate.
Mult2 decimal Optional. The second labor multiplier to apply to the employee’s rate.
Mult3 decimal Optional. The third labor multiplier to apply to the employee’s rate.
SeparateOvt integer Optional. The project’s separate overtime method; 0 to not apply separate overtime, 1 to apply separate overtime using the labor overtime percentage, or 2 to apply separate overtime using the overtime multiplier.
OvtMult decimal Optional. The project’s labor overtime multiplier.
RateTable integer Optional. The project’s labor rate table, based on the labor method.
ORTable integer Optional. The project’s override rate table.
LabDetail varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not printing labor detail on the invoice, -1 displays if you are printing labor.
ShowComment varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing comments on the invoice, -1 displays if you are showing comments.
ShowRate varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing rates on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing rates.
ShowDate varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing timesheet dates on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing timesheet dates.
ShowMults varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing labor multipliers on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing labor multipliers.
FlagOverrides varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not flagging override rates on the invoice. -1 displays if you are flagging override rates.
SortMeth1 integer Optional. The sort method for the first labor sort.
SortTable1 integer Optional. The sort table to use for the first labor sort.
SortMeth2 integer Optional. The sort method for the second labor sort.
SortTable2 integer Optional. The sort table to use for the second labor sort.
ExpMeth integer Optional. The project’s expense billing method; 0 for no expense billing, 1 for the By Account method, 2 for the By Category method, or 3 for the By Vendor method.
ExpMult decimal Optional. The multiplier to apply to this project’s expense charges.
ExpTable integer Optional. The project’s expense billing table, based on the expense billing method.
ExpShowMult varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing the expense multiplier on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing the expense multiplier.
ExpDetail varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing expense detail on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing expense detail.
ConMeth integer Optional. The project’s consultant billing method; 0 for no consultant billing, 1 for the By Account method, 2 for the By Category method, 3 for the By Vendor method, 4 for the Bill as Expense method.
ConMult decimal Optional. The multiplier to apply to this project’s consultant expense charges.
ConTable integer Optional. The project’s consultant expense billing table, based on the consultant billing method.
ConShowMult varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing the consultant expense multiplier on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing the consultant expense multiplier.
ConDetail varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing consultant expense detail on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing consultant expense detail.
UnitMeth integer Optional. The project’s unit billing method; 0 for no unit billing, or 1 for unit billing.
UnitMult decimal Optional. The multiplier to apply to this project’s unit charges.
UnitShowMult varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing the unit multiplier on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing the unit multiplier.
UnitDetail varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not showing unit detail on the invoice. -1 displays if you are showing unit detail.
FeeMeth integer Optional. The project’s fee method; 0 appears for No Fee Billing, 1 for the Overall Percent Complete method, 2 for the Percent Complete by Phase as Percent of Fee method, 3 for the Percent Complete by Phase as Fixed Amount method, 4 for the Cumulative Units or Fees method, or 5 for the Current Units or Fees method.
FeeBasis varchar Optional. The fee basis to use when calculating invoices. L appears for lump sum, P for percent of construction, or U for unit based.
FeeFactor1 decimal Optional. The first fee factor, based on the fee basis.
FeeFactor2 decimal Optional. The second fee factor, based on the fee basis.
FeePctCpl decimal Optional. The fee percent complete.
FeeLabel varchar Optional. The label for unit-based fee billing.
PriorFee decimal Optional. The job-to-date amount of fee billing. This amount is used as prior fee billing in calculating current billing.
AddOns varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not including add-ons on the invoice. -1 displays if you are including add-ons.
TaxCodeSequence1 through TaxCodeSequence10 varchar DPS validates that the tax codes have an active status and the tax type matches the selected tax code.
TaxAmountSequence1 through TaxAmountSequence10 decimal
PrintWBS1AR varchar Optional. The level of accounts receivable detail to print on the invoice.
Interest decimal Optional. The interest rate to apply to outstanding invoices.
GracePd decimal Optional. The grace period before an invoice becomes overdue.
PrintWBS1BTD varchar Optional. The level of billings-to-date detail to print on the invoice.
LimitMeth varchar Optional. The project’s limit method. 0 appears for no limits, 1 for aggregate limits, 2 for individual limits, 3 for individual -calculate aggregate for sections with limits, or 4 for individual - calculate aggregate for all sections.
LabLimit decimal Optional. The limit to apply to labor charges.
ConLimit decimal Optional. The limit to apply to consultant expense charges.
ExpLimit decimal Optional. The limit to apply to expense charges.
UnitLimit decimal Optional. The limit to apply to unit charges.
AddOnLimit decimal Optional. The limit to apply to add-on charges.
FeeLimit decimal Optional. The limit to apply to fee charges.
Retainage varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
RetPct decimal Optional. The percentage to retain from the project’s invoice.
RetLimit decimal Optional. The limit of retainage that can be withheld from this project’s invoices.
RetLab varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the labor section of the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
RetExp varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the expense section of the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
RetCon varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the consultant section of the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
RetFee varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the fee section of the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
RetUnit varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the unit section of the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
RetAddOn varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not applying retainage to the add-on section of the invoice. -1 displays if you are applying retainage.
ConsolidatePrinting varchar
ConsolidateWBS3 varchar
SubLevelTerms varchar
ConsolidatePosting varchar
WBS2ToPost varchar
WBS3ToPost varchar
SubLevelRollup integer
WBS3Rollup integer
LimitsBySubLevel varchar
PrintARBreakout varchar
PrintARWBS2Totals varchar
PrintBTDBreakout varchar
PrintBTDWBS2Totals varchar
PrintWBS2AR varchar
PrintWBS2BTD varchar
InterestBySubLevel varchar
TaxBySubLevel varchar
RetainageBySubLevel varchar
BackupReport varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not printing a Billing Backup report with the invoice. -1 displays if you are printing a Billing Backup report with the invoice.
BackupComments varchar Optional. 0 displays if you are not printing comments on the Billing Backup report. -1 displays if you are printing comments.
BackupVendorInvoice varchar
LabAccount varchar Optional. The revenue account for bille labor.
ConAccount varchar Optional. The revenue account for billed consultants.
ExpAccount varchar Optional. The revenue account for billed expenses.
UnitAccount varchar Optional. The revenue account for biled units.
FeeAccount varchar Optional. The revenue account for billed fees.
AddOnAccount varchar Optional. The revenue account for billed add-ons.
IntAccount varchar Optional. The account for billed interest.
Footer varchar Optional. The footer to print at the end of this project’s invoices.
LabDefault varchar Use terms for project reporting defaults only.
ExpDefault varchar Use terms for project reporting defaults only.
ConDefault varchar Use terms for project reporting defaults only.
UnitDefault varchar Use terms for project reporting defaults only.
PostFeesByPhase varchar Distribute invoice posting to tasks and/or subprojects by phase
SpecialOvtMult decimal Special overtime multiplier.
BackupLaborCode varchar
FeeByDetailEnabled varchar Y or N to indicate if the billing terms allocate fee revenue by category or allocate fee revenue based on transaction detail. If this field is set to Y, DPS activates whichever of these two options is enabled in Billing Setup. If this field is set to N, all fee revenue goes to a single account.
Fee1 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee for the first category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee for the first revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the fee for labor.

Fee2 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee for the second category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee for the second revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the fee for consultants.

Fee3 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee for the third category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee for the third revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the fee for non-consultant expenses.

Fee4 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee for the fourth category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee for the fourth revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this field is not used.

Fee5 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee for the fifth category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee for the fifth revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this field is not used.

FeePctCpl1 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the percent complete for the first category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the percent complete for the first revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the percent complete for labor.

FeePctCpl2 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the percent complete for the second category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the percent complete for the second revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the percent complete for consultants.

FeePctCpl3 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the percent complete for the third category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the percent complete for the third revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the percent complete for non-consultant expenses.

FeePctCpl4 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the percent complete for the fourth category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the percent complete for the fourth revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this field is not used.

FeePctCpl5 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the percent complete for the fifth category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the percent complete for the fifth revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this field is not used.

FeeToDate1 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee-to-date amount for the first category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for the first revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for labor.

FeeToDate2 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee-to-date amount for the second category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for the second revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for consultants.

FeeToDate3 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee-to-date amount for the third category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for the third revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for non-consultant expenses.

FeeToDate4 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee-to-date amount for the fourth category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for the fourth revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this field is not used.

FeeToDate5 decimal Optional. If the billing terms allocate fee billed revenue based on category, this is the fee-to-date amount for the fifth category.

If your enterprise uses revenue categories, this is the fee-to-date amount for the fifth revenue category. If your enterprise does not use revenue categories, this field is not used.

DaysBeforeDue integer
PayTerms varchar
  • I: Calculate due dates by adding the number of days in DaysBeforeDue to the invoice date
  • P: Calculate due dates by adding the number of days in DaysBeforeDue to the period end date
ShowDueDate varchar
  • Y: Display due dates on invoices
  • N: Do not display due dates on invoices