Employees Table Formats (EM)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing employee data.

If you use multiple companies the Home Company and Employee Company fields display and are updated automatically.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Address1 varchar 50 First line of the employee's address
Address2 varchar 50 Second line of the employee's address
Address3 varchar 50 Third line of the employee's address
ADPCompanyCode varchar 3 Employee's ADP company code
ADPFileNumber varchar 6 Employee's ADP file number
ADPRateCode varchar 1 Employee's ADP rate code
AvailableForCRM varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the record is available to CRM users; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is Y
BillingCategory smallint 2 Employee's default category when using the By category labor billing method; must exist in BTLaborCats (Category/Description)
BillingPool smallint 2 Reserved for future use
ChangeDefaultLC varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the employee can change the default labor code in timekeeper; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
CheckHours varchar 1 Variable indicating DPS's response when the hours entered on a submitted timesheet do not match the hours expected; valid options are Global (System-wide setting), Error (User receives an error message and is not allowed to proceed), Warning (User receives a warning message and is allowed to proceed), or None (No message)
City varchar 30 Employee's city
ConsultantInd varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the employee is a consultant; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); if Y must link to Vendor; default is N
Country varchar 40 Employee's country; must exist in CFGCountry
DefaultLC1 varchar 14 Level 1 default labor code for timekeeper time sheets; must exist in CFGLCodes
DefaultLC2 varchar 14 Level 2 default labor code for timekeeper time sheets; must exist in CFGLCodes
DefaultLC3 varchar 14 Level 3 default labor code for timekeeper time sheets; must exist in CFGLCodes
DefaultLC4 varchar 14 Level 4 default labor code for timekeeper time sheets; must exist in CFGLCodes
DefaultLC5 varchar 14 Level 5 default labor code for timekeeper time sheets; must exist in CFGLCodes
EKAdminApproval varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the employee can approve the expense reports of other employees in the same Expense group; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
EKAdminEdit varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the employee can edit the expense reports of other employees in the same Expense group; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
EKAdminLevel decimal 1 Employee's Expense Administration level; valid options are 0 (Staff), 1 (Group), or 2 (System)
EKGroup decimal 2 Employee's Expense group; null or must exist in CFGEKEmployeeGroup (EmployeeGroup/Description)
EMail varchar 50 Employee's email address
Employee varchar 20 Employee number; required field; primary key
EmployeePhoto varchar 255 This column is not used
ExportInd varchar 1 Reserved for future use
Fax varchar 24 Employee's fax number
First Name varchar 25 Employee's first name
HireDate datetime 8 Employee's hire date
HomePhone varchar 24 Employee's home telephone number
HoursPerDay decimal 9 Number of hours the employee works per day; this field is used by Time to check the hours entered on the employee's timesheet against the expected hours for the employee
JCOvtPct decimal 9 Overtime percentage
JCSpecialOvtPct decimal 9 Employee's job costing special overtime percentage
JobCostRate decimal 9 Employee's job cost rate
JobCostType varchar 1 Variable indicating the employee's job cost type; valid options are H (Hourly) or S (Salary)
LastName varchar 30 Employee's last name; required field
Locale varchar 2 Internal reference number for the payroll tax locale, when LocaleMethod is Follow Project Locale
LocaleMethod varchar 1 Variable indicating the method for specifying the payroll tax locale; valid options are Follow Project Locale, % of Wages, or None
Memo text unlimited Memo field for comments on the employee
MiddleName varchar 30 Employee's middle name
MobilePhone varchar 24 Employee's cell phone number
Org varchar 14 Employee's organization; required field if ConsultantInd = N (Not Consultant); must exist in Organization and approved for use in Accounting app=Y
OtherPay numeric 9 First Other Pay amount on the employee's Payroll tab
PayOvtPct decimal 9 Employee's overtime percentage rate
PayRate decimal 9 Employee's pay rate
PaySpecialOvtPct decimal 9 Employee's special overtime percentage rate
PayType varchar 1 Employee's pay type; valid options are H (Hourly) or S (Salary)
PreferredName varchar 60 Employee's preferred name, as entered on the general tab of the Employees hub
ProfessionalSuffix varchar 25 Professional suffix for the employee's name that indicates educational degrees or professional licenses or accreditation. It can be a single item (for example, PhD) or a combination of two or more (for example, CPA, CMA, MBA).
ProvBillOTPct decimal 9 Provisional billing rate for unposted overtime on interactive project reports
ProvBillRate decimal 9 Provisional billing rate for unposted time on interactive project reports
ProvBillSpecialOTPct decimal 9 Employee's provisional billing percentage for unposted special overtime in interactive project reports
ProvCostOTPct decimal 9 Provisional cost rate for unposted overtime on interactive project reports
ProvCostRate decimal 9 Provisional cost rate for unposted time on interactive project report
ProvCostSpecialOTPct decimal 9 Employee's provisional cost percentage for unposted special overtime in interactive project reports
RaiseDate datetime 8 Date of the employee's next raise
ReadyForApproval varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the record is available to Accounting users; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No)
ReadyForProcessing varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the record is approved for use in transaction processing; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No)
Region varchar 10 Not used
Salutation varchar 5 Prefix to use with this employee's name; null or must exist in CFGPrefix
SSN varchar 11 Employee's social security number
State varchar 10 Employee's state.

The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in DPS. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

Status varchar 1 Variable indicating the employee's status; required field; valid options are A (Active), I (Inactive), or T (Terminated); must exist in CFGEmployeeStatus (Status/Label)
Suffix varchar 20 Suffix to use with this employee's name; null or must exist in CFGSuffix
Supervisor varchar 20 Employee's supervisor; must exist in EM
TargetRatio decimal 9 Percentage of the employee's hours they are expected to charge to a project
TerminationDate datetime 8 Date when the employee was terminated
Title varchar 50 Employee's job title
TKGroup varchar 2 Employee's Time group; nulll or must exist in CFGTKEmployeeGroup (EmployeeGroup/Description)
TKAdminLevel varchar 1 Employee's Time Administration level; valid options are 0 (Staff), 1 (Group), or 2 (System)
TKAdminEdit varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the employee can edit the timesheets of other users in the same Time group; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
TKAdminApproval decimal 1 Variable indicating whether the employee can approve the timesheets of other users in the same Time group; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
Type varchar 1 Variable indicating the employee's type; required field; valid options are P (Principal) or E (Employee); must exist in CFGEmployeeType (Type/Label)
UseTotalHrsAsStd varchar 1 Variable indicating whether to use the total hours worked by this employee as the standard for Time Analysis reporting; valid options are Y (Yes) or N (No); default is N
Vendor varchar 20 If ConsultantInd in this table is Yes, the number of the vendor/consultant; required field when ConsultantInd = Y; must exist in VE
WorkPhone varchar 24 Employee's work telephone number
WorkPhoneExt varchar 8 Employee's work telephone number extension
YearsOtherFirms smallint 2 The number of years this employee worked for other enterprise
ZIP varchar 10 Employee's zip code