General Ledger Account Balances Table Formats (AccountBalance)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing general ledger account balances.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Org varchar
Account varchar Required. The account number to which this balance applies. This number must be a valid account in DPS.
Period integer Required. The period to which this balance applies. The period must be prior or equal to the active period. The default for balance sheet accounts is 0. The default for other account types is 0. The format for this field is YYYYPP, which YYYY is the four-digit year and PP is the two-digit period.
TransDate datetime Required. The transaction date.
RefNo varchar Required. The reference number for expense detail purposes. The default for this field is History.
Description varchar Optional. The description for the expense detail table.
AccrualDebit decimal Optional. The debit amount for this account.
AccrualCredit decimal Optional. The credit amount for this account.
CashDebit decimal Optional. The cash-basis debit amount for this account.
CashCredit decimal Optional. The cash-basis credit amount for this account.
AccountCurrencyDebit decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
AccountCurrencyCredit decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
LinkCompany varchar 14 Multicurrency feature only. LinkCompany is required only when Account is CFGAutoPosting.AcctsReceivableIntercompany, CFGAutoPosting.AcctsPayableIntercompany, or CFGAutoPosting.SuspenseIntercompany. LinkCompany has to be the company code other than active company. LinkCompany is ignored when the account is not one of the intercompany accounts.