Journal Entry Data Entry Table Formats (DEJournalEntry)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing journal entry data.

Field Name Data Type Notes
RefNo varchar
TransDate datetime If you do not specify a transaction date in the import file, DPS assigns the date of the import as the transaction date.
MasterDescription varchar
PostType varchar
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
Account varchar
DebitAmount decimal
CreditAmount decimal
DetailDescription varchar
TaxType varchar
UpdateBilled varchar Allows you to import the data if you selected the Update project billing amount when adjusting revenue option on the Journal Entry form.
SuppressBill varchar
CurrencyCode varchar Multicurrency feature only. CurrencyCode must exist in CFGEnabledCurrencies table.
TaxCodeSequence1 through TaxCodeSequence10 varchar DPS validates that the tax codes have an active status and the tax type matches the selected tax code.
TaxAmountSequence1 through TaxAmountSequence10 decimal
LinkCompany varchar Multicompany feature only. This is the due to/from company. The import program determines whether it is required. If it is required but is blank in the import file, an error message is returned.