Project Labor Table Formats (ProjectLabor)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing project labor.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
LaborCode varchar Required. The labor code for this charge. This code must be a valid labor code in DPS.
Employee varchar Required. The employee number for this charge. DPS does not validate the employee number because the number you enter could be for a terminated employee.
TransDate datetime Required. The transaction date for this charge. If you do not specify a date, this field defaults to today’s date.
Period integer

Required. The period in which this charge was posted. The period must be prior or equal to the active period. The default for overhead projects is YTD. The default for regular projects is 0.

The format for this field is YYYYPP, where YYYY is the 4 digit year and PP is the 2 digit period.

RegHrs decimal Optional. The employee’s regular hours for this transaction.
OvtHrs decimal Optional. The employee’s overtime hours for this transaction.
RegAmt decimal Optional. The employee’s regular cost amount for this transaction.
OvtAmt decimal Optional. The employee’s overtime cost amount for this transaction.
BillEst decimal Optional. The employee’s billing amount for this transaction.
BillStatus varchar Required. The employee’s billing status for this transaction. B for billable, H for held, W for written-off, or N for nonbillable.
TransComment varchar Optional. The comment for this charge.
SpecialOvtHrs decimal Special overtime hours.
SpecialOvtAmt decimal Special overtime cost amount.
SpecialOvtPct decimal Special overtime percent.
SpecialOvtRate decimal Special overtime rate.
RegAmtProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
OvtAmtProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
SpecialOvtAmtProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RateProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
OvtRateProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
SpecialOvtRateProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RegAmtBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
OvtAmtBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
SpecialOvtAmtBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RateBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
OvtRateBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
SpecialOvtRateBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RegAmtEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
OvtAmtEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
SpecialOvtAmtEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RateEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
OvtRateEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
SpecialOvtRateEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RealizationAmount decimal 9 Available only if you do not have the Multicurrency feature. Realization amount for the labor record.
RealizationAmountEmployeeCurrency decimal 9 Available only if you have the Multicurrency feature. Realization amount for the labor record in the functional currency of the employee's company.
RealizationAmountProjectCurrency decimal 9 Available only if you have the Multicurrency feature. Realization amount for the labor record in the project currency.
RealizationAmountBillingCurrency decimal 9 Available only if you have the Multicurrency feature. Realization amount for the labor record in the billing currency.