Vendor Table Formats (VE)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing vendor data.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
Vendor varchar 20 Vendor number; primary key
AccountNumber varchar 25 Account number of the regular account used for the vendor
AvailableForCRM varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to CRM users
Category varchar 1 Vendor type; required field; must exist in CFGVendorType (Type/Label)
CheckPerVoucher varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not to print a separate check for each voucher for the vendor; default is N (no)
DisabledVetOwnedSmallBusiness varchar Variable indicating whether the Disabled Vet. owned Small Business option is selected
DisadvBusiness varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor is a Disadvantaged Business; default is N (No)
DiscCode varchar 10 Vendor's discount code; must exist in CFGAPDiscount
DiscPct decimal 9 Discount percent for the vendor
DiscPeriod smallint 2 Number of days within which payment must be received in order for the discount to apply
FedID varchar 11 Vendor's federal taxpayer identification number
HBCU varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor has an HBCU (Historically Black College or University) Minority Status; default is N (No)
LastYear1099 decimal 9 1099 amount for last year; the 1099 form for the vendor should match this amount
Memo text 16 Memo field for comments regarding the vendor
MemoPrintOnCheck varchar Reserved for future use
MinorityBusiness varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the vendor is a Minority Business; default is N (No)
Name varchar 100 Vendor name; required field
OHAccount varchar 13 Default account to use for overhead projects in data entry; must exist in CA
Org varchar 14 Vendor's organization; used for sorting purposes only; must exist in Organization
PayTerms varchar 4 Variable indicating the default payment terms for the vendor; valid options are Next, Hold, or PWP
PriorWork varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the vendor has done prior work for the organization; default is N (No)
ReadyForApproval varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to Accounting users; default is N (No)
ReadyForProcessing varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the record is approved for use in processing accounting transactions; default is N (No)
Recommend varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor has been recommended to do work for the organization in the future; default is N (No)
RegAccount varchar 13 Default account to use for regular projects in data entry; must exist in CA
ReimbAccount varchar 13 Default account to use for reimbursable projects in data entry; must exist in CA
Req1099 varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not a 1099 form is required for the vendor; default is N (No)
SmallBusiness varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the vendor is a Small Business; default is N (No)
SortName varchar 40 Vendor sort name
Specialty text 16 User-entered description of the vendor's business specialty
Status varchar 1 Variable indicating the vendor's status; valid options are A (Active), I (Inactive), or D (Dormant); required field; must exist in CFGVendorStatus (Status/Label)
ThisYear1099 decimal 9 Amount paid to the vendor since the last 1099 initialization
Type varchar 10 Vendor specialty; must exist in CFGPrimarySpecialty (Code/Description)
VetOwnedSmallBusiness varchar Variable indicating whether or not the Veteran Owned Small Business option is selected
WebSite varchar 255 Vendor's Web site address
WomanOwned varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor is a Woman Owned Business; default is N (No)
Address varchar 20 Vendor address code; primary key
Address1 varchar 50 First line of the vendor's address
Address2 varchar 50 Second line of the vendor's address
Address3 varchar 50 Third line of the vendor's address
Address4 varchar 50 Fourth line of the vendor's address
City varchar 30 Vendor's city
State varchar 10 Vendor's state.

If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in DPS. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

ZIP varchar 10 Vendor's ZIP code
Country varchar 40 Vendor's country
Phone varchar 24 Vendor's telephone number
FAX varchar 24 Vendor's fax number
Email varchar 50 Vendor's e-mail address
DefaultTaxCode varchar 3 Default tax code for transactions charged to this vendor
TaxCountryCode varchar 2 Vendor's tax country code
TaxRegistrationNumber varchar 15 Vendor's tax registration number
PrimaryInd varchar 1 Flag indicating whether or not the Address is the vendor's primary address; default is N (No)
LinkedClient varchar