Units Table Format (UN)

Follow DPS specifications for preparing a file containing Unit items.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
AvailableForPlanning varchar 1 Flag indicating whether Available for Project Planning is selected for this unit table.
AvailableForTimesheet varchar 1 Flag indicating whether the Available for Timesheet option is selected for this unit row in the unit table. The setting is N if the unit is linked to an inventory item.
BillingCurrecyCode nvarchar 3 The billing currency for the billing rate.
BillingRate decimal 19,4 Billing rate per unit to use.
Company nvarchar 14 The company whose unit table this is.
ConsolBill varchar 1 Flag indicating whether to consolidate billing on the invoice.
ConsolCost varchar 1 Flag indicating whether to consolidate cost detail on the invoice.
CostRate decimal 19,4 Cost rate per unit.
CreditAccount nvarchar 13 Account to credit with the sum of costs to the unit.
CreditWBS1 nvarchar 30 Project to credit with the sum of costs to the unit.
CreditWBS2 nvarchar 7 The reference field for the project phase. This column is populated by DPS once the CreditWBS1 column in this table is filled in.
CreditWBS3 nvarchar 7 The reference field for the project task. This column is populated by DPS once the CreditWBS1 column in this table is filled in.
EmployeeSpecificRevenue varchar 1 Determines whether the unit will allow employee association for revenue.
FilterCode nvarchar 10 The Unit Table's code, from the CFGUnitTableCode table.
FilterOrg nvarchar 14 The code for the organization associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table.
FilterPrincipal nvarchar 20 The Employee ID of the principal associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table.
FilterProjMgr nvarchar 20 The Employee ID of the project manager associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table.
FilterSupervisor nvarchar 20 The Employee ID of the supervisor associated with the TableNo. This code works as a filter, enforcing record-level access for this table.
Format varchar 1 Variable indicating the billing line format. Valid options are 1-Name only, 2-Name and detail, 3-Detail only.
Item nvarchar 30 Inventory item associated with the unit. Only applicable when using Inventory.
Name nvarchar 40 Name for the unit.
OHAccount nvarchar 13 Default account to use when an overhead project is specified in data entry.
PluralLabel nvarchar 10 Label to use when more than one unit is specified.
PostAccount nvarchar 13 Posting account to use when generating the invoice.
ProjectCurrecyCode nvarchar 3 The project currency for the cost rate.
RegAccount nvarchar 13 Default account to use when a regular project is specified in data entry.
ShowDate varchar 1 Flag indicating whether to show the transaction date on the invoice.
SingleLabel nvarchar 10 Label to use when just one unit is specified.
ShowCalc varchar 1 Flag indicating whether to show calculations on the invoice.
Status varchar 1 The unit's Status, from the CFGUnitStatus Table.
Unit nvarchar 11 Unit number.
UnitTable nvarchar 30 Unit table.
UnitType nvarchar 10 Unit type.