View Account Details for a General Ledger Budget Group

You can view and edit account details for associated budgets that are included in a general ledger budget group.

To view account details for a general ledger budget group:

  1. On the Account Details grid of the General Ledger Budgeting Group form, move the row selector to the row for the account that you want to view.
  2. To expand all account rows to view detailed account information, click Expand All on the grid toolbar. The top row of the account displays the summary account information and totals across the associated general ledger budgets. The detail rows display values by individual general ledger budgets and include the editable values for each account. Any edits that you make to the detail rows roll up to the top row and also update the associated detail budget.
  3. To collapse all account rows and only view the top level or total information, click Collapse All on the grid toolbar.