Import Tab of the Credit Cards Form

Use this tab to define the contents (fields) and formatting for an import (text) file that is used to import charges from a credit card statement into DPS.

You import charges from a credit card statement into DPS in Accounting > Credit Cards > Credit Card Reconciliation.



Field Description
Field Delimiter From the drop-down list, select the character to use as a separator between the values (fields) in the credit card statement files that you will be importing into DPS.
Text Qualifier From the drop-down list, select the character that you are using as a text qualifier in the credit card statement files to import into DPS.

A text qualifier may be used in addition to delimiters in a file that you are importing. Text qualifiers are placed at the beginning and end of a value (field) inside the delimiters. Text qualifiers indicate that the content between them is part of one value (field). For example, if you use comma delimiters, a text qualifier (other than a comma) helps to distinguish commas that are used as delimiters and commas used within the value.


You use comma delimiters and a single quotation mark as the text qualifier.

A row of data in the file is: 'John Bartlett', 'Marriott International, Inc', '10/20/2014', '$1,000.00'

Using text delimiters ensures that the commas in Marriott International, Inc and in $1,000.00 are not interpreted as a delimiter. These commas are part of the company name and the monetary amount.

Decimal Symbol Enter the symbol that you use for decimals in import files.

Date Handling Section

Field Description
Order Select the order in which you want the month, day, and year to appear in dates.

Options are: DMY, DYM, MDY, MYD, YDM, and YMD.

D=day, M=month, and Y=year

Delimiter Enter the character that you want to use as the separate between month, day, and year. Examples are / or -.
Leading Zeros Select this check box if you want leading zeros used for one-digit months or days (for example, use 01 instead of 1 for January).
Four Digit Year Select this check box if you want all four digits of the year included for years (for example, use 2014 instead of 14).

Select Fields You Want to Import Grid

Each row in this grid is prefilled with one of the possible credit card statement fields (values) that you can include in an import file. Select the credit card statement fields to include in your import files to import into DPS when you import credit card data for this primary credit card. The fields and their order must match the structure of the contents of the files you are importing.

Select Fields You Want to Import Grid — Toolbar

Field Description
Select Field You Want to Import Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Bottom, Down, Up, Top, and Move Included Items Up Use the these icons to re-order a selected field to match the order in your import file.

Click Move Included Items Up to move all selected fields to the top of the list.

Select Fields You Want to Import Grid — Fields

Field Description
Include Select this check box for each field that you include in the import file.
You must select this check box for the following fields:
  • The field that you entered in the Use to separate import into secondary credit card field on the General tab of the Credit Cards form.
  • Amount (This is required if you do not use multiple currencies; it is optional if you use multiple currencies.)
  • PaymentAmount if you use multiple currencies in DPS
  • MerchantDescription
  • Date
Field Name This displays the credit card statement field that you can import into DPS.
The predefined fields are:
  • SecondaryAccountNumber — This field identifies a secondary credit card that is associated with a primary credit card. If you selected SecondaryAccountNumber in the Use to separate import into secondary credit cards field on the General tab of Credit Card Configuration, you must include this field in the import file. You enter the account number for a secondary credit card in the Import Value field in the grid on the General tab. If you did not select SecondaryAccountNumber in the Use to separate import into secondary credit cards field, you can still include the SecondaryAccountNumber in the import file, but you do not define the account number in the Import Value field in Credit Card Configuration because it is not the field that identifies the secondary credit account in DPS.
  • CardholderName — This field identifies a secondary credit card that is associated with a primary credit card. If you selected CardholderName in the Use to separate import into secondary credit cards field on the General tab of Credit Card Configuration, you must include this field in the import file. You enter the credit card holder name for a secondary credit card in the Import Value field in the grid on the General tab. If you did not select CardholderName in the Use to separate import into secondary credit cards field, you can still include the CardholderName in the import file, but you do not define the credit holder name in Credit Card Configuration because it is not the field that identifies the secondary credit account in DPS. You can use CardholderName if your bank masks the account number in export files.
  • Date — This is the actual date on which the transaction occurred. It is not the date that the transaction was applied to the credit card. This date is used as the transaction date when a charge is added to an expense report in DPS.
  • MerchantDescription — This is the merchant or description for a charge from a credit card statement.

    You could set up this field as a concatenation of several credit card fields from the bank such as merchant, merchant description, merchant address, and so on. You need to do this prior to importing into DPS, either through the website from which you export your credit card statement or through manipulating the text file before you import.

    The field displays on the Charges tab in Credit Card Reconciliation to help you identify the charge when you reconcile the credit card statement. It displays in the Credit Card pane on the Expense Report form to help employees identify a charge when they enter expense reports.

  • Amount — This is the transaction amount. If you use multiple currencies in DPS, this amount is in the currency of the transaction, which is not necessarily the currency of the credit card.
  • TransactionID — This number is defined by the credit card company and is unique to each transaction on each statement. Although this is not a required field for importing, the benefit of including it is that it allows you to tie AP disbursements with imported charges and manually tie expense report charges to imported credit card changes if employees enter and post expense report charges without a transaction ID before the charges are imported into DPS. The ideal workflow is to add imported charges to an expense report after the charges from a statement have been imported into DPS. In this scenario, the imported and posted charges are tied together automatically. The other benefit of including the transaction ID when importing is that it allows DPS to check for duplicate entries in Credit Card Reconciliation.
  • AmountCurrency — This is the currency for the transaction amount. Deltek recommends that you use this if you use multiple currencies.
  • PaymentAmount — This is the amount in the credit card currency. This field is required if you use multiple currencies.

    When you use multiple currencies, it is recommended that you import the Amount field, which is the transaction amount (currency of the receipt), the AmountCurrency field, which is the transaction currency (currency code), and the PaymentAmount field (amount paid by the credit card). When all of these values are imported, DPS will use all these values when charges are added to an expense report. DPS will calculate the exchange rate based on the imported transaction amount and the imported payment amount. For example, if an employee holds a credit card in GBP (United Kingdom Pounds) and travels to New York and pays for a hotel bill, the transaction currency would be USD (United States Dollars), the transaction amount would be the value of the expense (hotel bill) in USD, and the payment amount would be the value of the expense (hotel bill) in GBP.

  • User-defined fields — The five possible user-defined fields are UserDefined1, UserDefined2, UserDefined3, UserDefined4, UserDefined5.

    User-defined fields are optional. They can help employees identify charges when they enter expense reports. These fields display in the Credit Card Transactions pane on the Expense Report form and optionally in the credit card reconciliation and credit card review. However, the user-defined information will not be associated with the posted expense report. For example, if a credit card company tracks the address of the transaction, this additional information could be imported and available to employees when they enter their expense reports.

You normally need only one identifier for the secondary credit card, either the SecondaryAccountNumber or the CardholderName.

Label Enter the label for any user-defined field that you include in the import file. You cannot enter labels for the predefined fields.

If you have DPS databases set up in multiple languages, you can log into each language and enter the appropriate label for each language.

Display in Review/Reconciliation Select this check box for each user-defined field that you want to display in credit review or credit reconciliation. User-defined fields always display for the user in the Expense Report. Select this option if you also want to display the values in credit card review and credit card reconciliation.
Data Type This field displays the data type for a field, which indicates the type of characters used for the data:
  • Varchar — The field can contain both letters and numbers.
  • Datetime — The field contains a date.
  • Decimal — The field contains numeric amounts.