Earnings Tab of the Export Timesheets to ADP Form

Use the Earnings tab to export pay-related information that is not related to timesheets, for example, pay rate, job cost rate, overtime rate, or additional pay amounts. Specify the appropriate calculation to perform for special hours accumulated.

ADP provides three Earnings slots for users.


If you use multiple companies, only the timesheets for the active company are included.

Field Description
Insert Click this option to insert a special ADP code.
Copy Select a code in the grid and click this option to add a copy of the selected line to the grid. Edit the copy to create a new code.
Delete Select a code to delete and click this option to remove the code from the grid.
Code Enter the appropriate code designed by your company and ADP for performing calculations for regular and/or overtime work hours.
Description Enter an appropriate word or phrase that describes the code entered in the Code field.
Field ID Select a standard ADP code to store regular and/or overtime earnings entered for special tasks. These codes represent buckets (storage files) in which these earnings are stored.
Active The CSV file (the export file created by DPS) generates data for only those earnings codes that are marked as Active. When you enter a new code, this option is selected automatically. DPS includes for export all data entered for all codes marked as Active. If you want to exclude the data for this code from the current export, click the Active option again to clear the code.
Expression Select the special calculation that you want DPS to perform (for example, job cost rate or pay rate). Options in this field correspond to fields in the Employees hub.