Create an AP Voucher When You Final Approve an AP Invoice

You can have AP vouchers created automatically from final approved AP invoices.

Prerequisites: An AP voucher is automatically generated in AP Invoice Approvals during the final approval step for an AP invoice only if you configured AP Invoice Approvals to create vouchers. In Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application, you configure an AP invoice approval workflow to generate AP vouchers by inserting a Create Voucher action for the final approval step.

If you want the AP voucher to be created from a purchase order (instead of the AP invoice), enter the purchase order in the Purchasing application and then enter the purchase order in the Purchase Order field on the AP Invoice Approvals form before you final approve an AP invoice.

To have an AP voucher created when you final approve an AP invoice:

  1. On the Navigation menu in the desktop application, click Cash Management > AP Invoice Approvals.
  2. On the AP Invoice Approvals form, use the Search field to open an AP invoice that is ready to be final approved.
  3. If you want the AP voucher to be created from a purchase order, select the purchase order items from the Purchase Order field on the General tab of the AP Invoice Approvals form.
  4. On the toolbar of the AP Invoice Approvals form, click Voucher Options, and then click one of the following in the drop-down menu.
    Option Description
    Transaction Center AP Voucher Options Select this option if you did not select a purchase order from the Purchase Order field on the General tab of the AP Invoice Approvals form. The AP voucher is created from the AP invoice instead of a linked purchase order. On the Create Transaction Center AP Voucher Options dialog box, specify an AP voucher transaction file for posting the voucher in the Transaction Center. Enter other voucher information on the dialog box and click OK to return to the AP Invoice Approvals form.
    Create Voucher from Purchase Order Options Select this option if you selected a purchase order for the AP invoice in the Purchase Order field on the General tab of the AP Invoice Approvals form. The AP voucher is created from the purchase order. On the Create Voucher From Purchase Order Options dialog box, specify a Create Voucher from PO run (batch file) for posting the voucher in the Create Voucher from PO application. Enter other voucher information on the dialog box and click OK to return to the AP Invoice Approvals form.

    If you do not use the Purchasing application, the Create Voucher from Purchase Order Options option does not display.

  5. After you review all the information entered for the AP invoice, click Approvals > Approve to final approve the AP invoice. The invoice is final approved, and the voucher is automatically generated from the AP invoice data and the voucher information that you entered.
After you create the AP voucher, you can post it in one of the following locations:
  • Transaction Center > Transaction Posting: Post the AP voucher here if you did not enter a purchase order for the AP invoice.
  • Cash Management > Create Voucher from PO: Post the AP voucher here if you did enter a purchase order for the AP invoice.