Select Columns for Approvals Review

You can select the columns that you want to see in the Approvals Review grid and the order in which they appear.

To select and order columns:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Accounting > Approvals Review.
  2. Click the Select Columns option on the toolbar of the Approvals Review grid. The Select Columns dialog box that displays has two panes:
    • The Available pane lists the columns that are not yet chosen to display.
    • The Selected pane lists the columns that are currently selected to display.
  3. To add a column, select it in the Available pane and click Add->.
  4. To remove a column, select it in the Selected pane and click <- Remove.
  5. To change the order in which columns display, select a column and use the up and down arrows on the Selected pane to move it.
  6. Click OK.