Accounts Payable Tab of System AP Configuration

Use the Accounts Payable tab to enter system-level Accounts Payable settings related to vouchers and to enable expense codes.


Field Description
Require entry of voucher numbers When you select this option, users who enter accounts payable vouchers in Transaction Entry are required to enter the voucher number manually.

If you select this option and your firm uses multiple companies, you must enter starting and ending voucher numbers on the Accounts Payable tab in Settings > Accounting > Company AP for each company.

If you do not select this option, DPS automatically assigns the voucher number at the time of posting the accounts payable voucher.

You also have the option to turn on and configure automatic numbering of vouchers (and payments and reference numbers for other transaction types) on the Transaction Auto Numbering tab in Settings > Advanced Accounting > System. If you have multiple companies, you can turn on automatic numbering by company.

Display warning message for duplicate invoices for a Vendor in AP transaction entry Select this option to have a warning message display in each of these areas of DPS when a user enters a duplicate invoice number there (even if the duplicate's invoice date is different):
  • Accounting > Accounts Payable > Create Voucher from PO
  • Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > AP Voucher
  • Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > AP Disbursement
Display voucher number leading zeros Clear this check box if you do not want leading zeros in a voucher number to display in certain dialog boxes and reports. This may make them easier to read.
Enable expense codes

Select this check box if you want to use accounts payable expense codes in Accounts Payable Voucher Transaction Entry and Accounts Payable Disbursement Transaction Entry.

Accounts payable expense codes eliminate the need to know whether or not an expense is billable to the client at the time of accounts payable voucher or accounts payable disbursement entry. The general ledger expense account prefills during data entry based on the default expense code set up for a vendor, a project's charge type (regular, overhead, or promotional), and whether or not a project's expenses are designated as billable.

When you select the Enable expense codes check box, the following items are enabled throughout DPS:

  • An Expense Codes tab in the System AP Configuration form. If your firm uses multiple companies, an Expense Codes Accounting tab also displays.
  • A Default Expense Code field on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub.
  • A Bill by Default section that includes Consultants > Other Expenses > Override Table fields on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.
  • An Expense Code Override menu item in Settings > Advanced Accounting.
  • An Expense Code field in the Accounts Payable Vouchers form and Accounts Payable Disbursements form in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.
Require expense code in transaction entry for If you selected the Enable expense codes check box on this tab, select from the drop-down list the expense code requirements for accounts payable voucher and accounts payable disbursement entry in the Transaction Center.

Options are:

  • Not Required — You can complete accounts payable voucher and accounts payable disbursement entry without expense codes. If a vendor has a default expense code, it prefills for vouchers and disbursements, but users can delete any prefilled expense code and leave the Expense Code field blank.
  • Regular Projects — You are required to enter expense codes only for projects with a regular charge type.
  • All Projects — You are required to enter expense codes for projects with all charge types (regular, overhead, and promotional). Charge type is entered on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.
Payment Payee Use this option to specify the Firms hub field whose data you want to populate the Payee field in Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing and the Recipients Name field in Accounting > Accounts Payable > Form 1099 Processing.

The options are:

  • Name of Vendor (from the Name field on the Overview tab in the Firms hub)
  • Address 1 of Vendor's Address (from the Address 1 field on the Overview tab in the Firms hub)
Project level to check when determining the paid status of invoices In DPS, you must enter receipts against the correct project, phase, or task level. Otherwise, the invoice is not marked as paid.

Use this option to specify the WBS level at which you define an invoice as fully paid.