Add New AR Comments

You can add comments for an invoice.

To add one or more comments for an invoice:

  1. On the Invoice Review form, select a client record.
  2. If your enterprise is working on multiple projects for the client, select a project in the Aged Accounts Receivable grid.
  3. On the grid toolbar, click Comments.
  4. In the Invoice field in the grid on the AR Comments dialog box, select an invoice.
    • If no comments exist for any invoice for this project, a new row opens in the dialog box's grid.
    • If comments exist for any invoice for this project, the comments display in the grid and you need to click Insert to open a new row.
  5. In the Comment box in the Comment Entry section, enter text. To change the text formatting, use the Text Editor.
  6. Optional. Enter comments for another invoice in the same project or for invoices in a different project.
  7. Click OK.