View Invoice Detail

You can view invoice details, such as the date and amount of the most recent payment received for an invoice.

To view invoice detail:

  1. On the Invoice Review form, select a client record. The Aged Accounts Receivable grid lists any projects for this client that have outstanding invoices meeting your selection criteria.
  2. To select a project on the grid, click the row selector beside its number.
  3. On the grid toolbar, click .
  4. On the Invoice Details dialog box, which lists invoices for the current project, you can complete any of the following actions:
    To do this Select the invoice and Result
    View additional detail for an invoice. Click View Detail. A second Invoice Details dialog box displays.
    Display an invoice. Click Preview Invoice.

    This option is only available if the selected invoice has Invoice on File selected.

    The Preview window displays. You can print the invoice or distribute it via email.
    Display the date and amount of the most recent payment received for an invoice. Click Last Receipt. The date and amount display on the Invoice Details dialog box.
    Display, enter, or change comments for an invoice. Click Comments. The AR Comments dialog box displays.