Processing a Batch of Billing Invoices

Use Batch Billing to generate and print an entire group of final or draft invoices at one time. You cannot modify and add information to invoices as you can in Interactive Billing.

For a group of invoices, use Batch Billing to print draft invoices, accept and print final invoices, submit invoices for approval, or accept approved invoices. You can perform these actions immediately or schedule them to occur at a future time.

For example, use Batch Billing if:

  • You want a quick way to get draft invoices ready for project managers to review. Print all of your draft bills at once, sorted by project manager, using an invoice template to generate a single report that includes invoices for all projects assigned to a project manager. Email this report to the appropriate project manager for review.

  • You already reviewed and adjusted your draft invoices in Interactive Billing; now you need to print and accept them.

  • When you print final bills, your special billing forms tie up the printer. You need to print bills quickly and free the printer for other uses.

  • You use the Invoice Approvals feature and want to submit more than one invoice at a time for approval or final accept more than one approved invoice at a time.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, you can generate invoices in any currency. You can also manage a project in one currency, and bill the project in another currency. DPS uses the default invoice posting accounts for the company that owns the project, phase, or task being invoiced.

Multiple Companies

If you have multiple companies, you can set up billing options by company. Lower levels of the work breakdown structure (phases, tasks) for any project may belong to different companies. During invoice processing, DPS includes for billing all projects owned by the active company. This is true even if the company that owns a project does not own one or more of the phases or tasks in the work breakdown structure.

Employee Realization

When you use the Employee Realization reporting feature and you select invoice frequency, employee realization is calculation and allocated automatically when you create invoices in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing. For more information see Employee Realization in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing.