Canceling a Billing Invoice Edited in a Third-Party Application

To remove the link between a project and an invoice that was edited in third-party software and uploaded to DPS, you cancel the edited invoice.

Canceling the invoice does not delete the invoice file from its location on your workstation or on your network. Canceling deletes only the link that associates the edited invoice with the DPS project.


Your security role must have the Allow Edit/Upload check box is selected on the Accounting tab in Security > Roles.

To delete the link between an invoice saved in a third-party application and DPS:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. Select options on the Billing Session Options dialog and click OK.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, open the project whose invoice link you want to delete.
  4. On the Actions toolbar, click Invoice > Cancel Editing. This action is enabled only if you have uploaded an edited invoice for the project.

The Edit Invoice on File link below the Invoice Number field on the General tab in Interactive Billing is removed.