Displaying Leading Zeros in Invoice Numbers

If you set up DPS to use leading zeros in invoice numbers, you can choose not to show the leading zeros on invoices and in certain dialog boxes and reports. With fewer digits displayed, invoice numbers may be easier to read.

The full invoice number remains stored in the database and is required for transaction entry.

To prevent leading zeros in dialog boxes and reports, clear the Display Invoice Leading Zeros option on the General tab of Settings > Advanced Accounting > System.

To prevent leading zeros in invoices and the Billing Backup report, clear the Show Invoice Leading Zeros option on the General tab of the Invoice Template Editor form for the billing template that you use when you generate invoices.

Leading zeros always display in the following places:

  • Invoices on File dialog box in Interactive Billing
  • Expense/Consultant detail grid in Interactive Billing
  • Invoice Lookup in Cash Receipt Transaction Entry
  • Voucher Lookup in Voucher Transaction Entry