Enter Prior Fee Billing-to-Date Amounts

You can quickly enter the total prior fee billings for your projects that have fees defined. Before you do, you must select the Enter Prior Fee Billing in Billing Terms option on the Fees tab in Billing Settings.

Alternatively, you can adjust prior billings using Utilities > History Loading > Invoice and Receipt.

To enter prior billed-to-date amounts:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Billing > Billing Terms.
  2. On the Billing Terms form, open the project for which you want to adjust the prior fee billing-to-date amount.
  3. Click the Fees tab. DPS displays the fee terms defined for this project. If you have not set up fee billing terms for this project, you must do so before entering a prior fee billing-to-date amount.
  4. In the Prior Fee Billing field, enter the total prior fee billing-to-date amount for this project. If you are using a phase billing fee method (Percent Complete by Phase, as Percent of Fee or Percent Complete by Phase, as Fixed Amount), this field is not enabled. In this case, you enter the previous fee billed amounts on a per-phase basis in the Billed-to-Date field of the Billing Phases grid on the Fees tab.
  5. Click Save.