Example - Overtime Premium as a Cost

You can have DPS calculate overtime when you use the Bill Overtime Premium as Cost method. using the Employee Overtime Percentage method with the Rate Table method.

Specify the Overtime Method on the Labor tab of the Billing Terms form.

The following factors contribute to the calculation of overtime billings:

Factor Value

Employee’s cost rate in Employee hub

$40.33 per hour

Overtime Percentage in Employee hub


Regular Hours (Timesheet Posting)


Overtime Hours (Timesheet Posting)


The calculation is:

Description Calculation

Overtime Cost

Cost Rate * Overtime % from Employee Table

= $40.33 * 150%

= $60.50

Overtime Premium/Hour

Overtime Cost - Regular Cost Rate

= $60.50 - $40.33

= $20.17

Initial Billing Calculation

Total Hours * Billing Rate

= 18 * $70.00

= $1,260.00

Calculation of Overtime Premium

(Ovt Hours * Ovt Premium/Hour) * Ovt Premium Multiplier

= (3 * $20.17) * 1.5

= $90.77

Total Billing Amount for Employee

Initial Billing Calculation + Overtime Premium

= $1,260.00 + $ 90.77

= $1,350.77