How DPS Determines Expense Billing Rates

DPS determines what billing rate to use for a project's expense, consultant, and unit charges by looking at the billing methods selected on the Expenses/Units tab of the project's Billing Terms form.

You can enter a separate billing method for expenses, consultants, and units.

Basic Process and Hierarchy

DPS follows a standard process and hierarchy to determine the rate for billing expense, consultant, and unit transactions.

Method How It Works

No billing

Expenses are not billed.

By account

Expenses are billed by account and/or by project. An overall multiplier can be applied to all expenses, or multipliers can be established by account using Expense Account Tables. This method is available for non-consultant and consultant expenses.

If By account is selected as the method, you cannot select None as a value in the Table field.

  1. If a table is specified in the Table field, DPS looks in the table to find the multiplier. The expense table stores the multipliers for the accounts/vendors/categories that should be billed for this project.

  2. If the account is not in the specified table, or if no table is specified, DPS looks in the Global Table of Accounts.

  3. If the account is not in the specified table or the Global Table of Accounts, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field.

By category

Expenses are billed by category (for example, travel, meals, or phone charges). An overall multiplier can be applied to all expenses or multipliers can be established by category using Expense Category Tables. This method is available for non-consultant and consultant expenses.

  1. If a table is specified in the Table field, DPS looks in the table to find the multiplier.

  2. If the category is not in the specified table, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field.

By vendor

Expenses are billed by vendor. An overall multiplier can be applied to all expenses or multipliers can be established by vendor and/or project using Expenses by Vendor Tables.

This method is available for non-consultant and consultant expenses, but it is typically used for consultant expenses. This method allows you to have a multiplier based on the vendor, rather than the account. In addition, the consultant name, rather than the account name, appears on the invoice.

  1. If a table is specified in the Table field, DPS looks in the table to find the multiplier.

  2. If the vendor is not in the specified table, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field on the Expenses/Units tab.