Pre-Invoice Tab of Billing Terms

Use this tab to specify pre-invoice settings and turn on pre-invoice processing for a project.

This tab displays only if the Enable Pre-Invoices check box is selected for a company on the Miscellaneous tab in Settings > Billing > General.

If you have set up default billing terms in Settings > Billing > Default Terms, those settings prefill in the fields on this tab when you set up billing terms for the first time for a project. You can change the prefilled settings as needed.


Field Description
Process Pre-Invoice This check box is a toggle to turn on and off pre-invoice processing in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing for a project. When you select the check box, Interactive Billing and Batch Billing produce pre-invoices instead of regular (draft and final) invoices for a project. When you clear the check box, Interactive Billing and Batch Billing produce regular invoices for a project.

Be sure this check box is appropriately selected or not selected before you produce invoices in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing, so that the correct invoice type is produced as you expect.

You cannot select the Process Pre-Invoice check box if either of the following applies:
  • The project does not have Current unit or fee selected in the Fee Method field on the Fees tab of Billing Terms.
  • You use the Invoice Approvals feature and regular invoices are in the process of being approved (submitted, approved, or rejected) for a project. These invoices must be approved and finalized before you can turn on pre-invoice processing for a project.
When you select the Process Pre-Invoice check box:
  • The fields on this tab are enabled.
  • Only the General, Fees, Misc, and Pre-Invoice tabs in Billing Terms are enabled and apply to pre-invoices.
  • The Billing Limits section and the Retainage section on the Misc tab are not enabled and do not apply to pre-invoices.

When you clear the Process Pre-Invoice check box and click Save, the other pre-invoice settings that are entered on this tab are saved for the next time that you select the Process Pre-Invoices check box to produce pre-invoices.

You cannot clear the check box if you use the Invoice Approvals feature and a pre-invoice is still in the process of being approved.

For billing groups, you turn pre-invoice processing on and off in the billing terms of the main project of a billing group.

Pre-Invoice Note This field is enabled when you click the Process Pre-Invoice check box on this tab.

Enter the text that you want to display in the Note column of the Pre-Invoice section of a pre-invoice, pre-invoice cancellation invoice, or regular invoice associated with pre-invoices.

Pre-Invoice Template This field is enabled when you click the Process Pre-Invoice check box on this tab.

From the drop-down list, select the template to use for pre-invoices. The drop-down list for this field includes default templates provided by Deltek and invoice templates that you create with the Invoice Template Editor.

The Deltek-provided Default template prefills in this field. Typically, rather than using the Default template, you would create your own pre-invoice template in Billing > Invoice Template Editor. Your template then also displays in the drop-down list in this field.

You create invoice templates to use for pre-invoices that are different from your regular invoice templates. Each displays the appropriate, different "Invoice" or "Pre-Invoice" labels.

If your firm sets up Record Level View access for invoice templates, you may be limited to only those templates selected by your DPS administrator. Record Level View settings are on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Cancellation Template This field is enabled when you click the Process Pre-Invoice check box on this tab.

From the drop-down list, select the template to use for pre-invoice cancellations. You cancel pre-invoices in Invoices on File in Billing. The drop-down list for this field includes default templates provided by Deltek and invoice templates that you create with the Invoice Template Editor.

The Deltek-provided Default template prefills in this field. Typically, rather than using the default template, you would create your own pre-invoice cancellation template in Billing > Invoice Template Editor. Your template then also displays in the drop-down list in this field.

If your firm sets up Record Level View access for invoice templates, you may be limited to only those templates selected by your DPS administrator. Record Level View settings are on the Record Access tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Phase to Post This field is enabled when you select the Process Pre-Invoice check box and the project has phases (work breakdown structure 2). Select a phase from the drop-down list to use when cash receipts are posted to pre-invoices for this project.
Task to Post This field is enabled when you select the Process Pre-Invoice check box and the phase that you enter in the Phase to Post field has tasks (work breakdown structure 3). Select a task from the drop-down list to use when cash receipts are posted to pre-invoices for this project.