Project Info Tab of Invoice Template Editor

Use the Project Info tab to determine how project-related information displays on the invoice, including the names and column headers that are used and where page breaks occur.

Enter margin values in inches or millimeters, depending on which one you select in the Unit of Measure field on the Misc tab. When you set up margins, be careful that fields and sections do not overlap.


Field Description
Prof. Services Label Enter a description for the services that are being invoiced.

The default label is Professional Services from [startdate] to [enddate]. DPS populates the [startdate] and [enddate] fields with the actual values specified on the Billing Session Options dialog box at the time that the invoice was accepted.

You can use the [startdate] and [enddate] fields in a different way if you wish. For example, the label can read "Professional Services as of [startdate]."

Page Breaks

Field Description
Project Select this option to insert a page break before each new project on the invoice.
Phase Select this option to insert a page break before each new phase on the invoice. Phases display on the invoice only if the project has phases and you are billing the project at the phase level.
Task Select this option to insert a page break before each task on the invoice. Tasks display on the invoice only if the project has tasks and you are billing the project at the task level.

Print Options

Use these options to determine the WBS levels that display on the invoice. DPS defaults to print the phase number and task number.

Field Description
Print Phase Name Select this option to include the phase name.
Print Phase Long Name Select this option to include the phase's long name (if one was specified on the General tab of the Projects hub).
Phase Number Select this option to include the phase number.
Print Task Name Select this option to include the task name.
Print Task Long Name Select this option to include the task's long name (if one was specified on the General tab of the Projects hub).
Print Task Number Select this option to include the task number.


Use these fields to identify labels for each level and total of the WBS. You can also choose to hide the headings, as needed, which is useful when you need to simplify the invoice presentation. For example, you could remove the phase header information and only display the WBS description for phases at that level.

Field Description
Project Header Label Enter the label to display before each project on the invoice. Select Hide to hide the header.
Phase Header Label Enter the label to display before each phase on the invoice. Select Hide to hide the header.
Task Header Label Enter the label to display before each task on the invoice. Select Hide to hide the header.
Project Total Label Enter the label to display before the total amount being invoiced for each project on the invoice. Projects display on the invoice only if the project is part of a billing group, and the billing group is set up to bill at the project level. Select Hide Label and Total to hide the label and project subtotal.
Phase Total Label Enter the label to display before the total amount being invoiced for each phase on the invoice. Phases display on the invoice only if the project has phases, and the project billing terms are established to bill at the phase level. Select Hide Label and Total to hide the label and phase subtotal.
Task Total Label Enter the label to display before the total amount being invoiced for each task on the invoice. Tasks display on the invoice only if the project has tasks, and the project billing terms are established to bill at the task level. Select Hide Label and Total to hide the label and task subtotal.

Line Separating

Field Description
Line Separating Project, Line Separating Phase, and Line Separating Task Click this drop-down list to select the line type (dashed, solid, or none) that will be used to separate the work breakdown structure levels on the invoice.
Line Weight Enter a value to select the thickness of the line that separates the work breakdown structure levels on the invoice. The default value for this field is 1.5. You can enter any value between 0.24985 to 20.


Field Description
Project Column Selection Drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to add a new field to the list of project fields that can be included in the invoice header or footer. Then choose a field from the drop-down list in the Column Name field.
Delete Select a grid row and click this option to delete the row.
Select Select this checkbox to add the corresponding field to the invoice.
Column Name This column lists the fields that can be added to the invoice. To add a new field, click Insert and then select a field from the drop-down list.
ISelect <Label Only> to add text that will be used as a label and is not associated with a project data field. Enter the text in the corresponding Label column.
Label Enter the label that you want to display on the invoice to describe the field.
Top Margin The significance of the this value depends on the value that is entered in the Location field.
  • If you select Header in the Location field, the value entered in the Top Margin field is relative to the top of the page. For example, if you select Header in the Location field and you enter 2 in this field, the label prints two inches from the top of the page.
  • If you select Footer in the Location field, the value entered in the Top Margin field is relative to the end of the invoice or the Total This Invoice line. For example, if you select Footer in the Location field and you enter 2 in this field, the label prints two inches below the Total This Invoice line. If you choose to display the signature on the invoice, the signature information displays below this label.
Left Margin Enter a value to determine the amount of space between the page's left margin and the left edge of the label.
Label Width Enter the label's width. If a value does not fit, the extra characters are cut off.
Col Width Enter the width for the field value. For example, if you are establishing settings for the Project Manager field, this would be the width allowed for the Project Manager's name. If a value does not fit, the extra characters are cut off.
Location Select Header or Footer to determine whether the label displays at the top or bottom of the invoice.
Bold Select this option to have the label and its value on the invoice display in bold type.