Release and Bill Retainage

When you reach the point when previously withheld retainage needs to be billed for a project, you release the retainage and create an invoice for it.

To release and bill a project's retainage:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. Enter session options on the Billing Session Options dialog box and click OK.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, open the project for which you are billing retainage.
  4. Click Retainage on the toolbar.
  5. On the Invoice File Selection dialog box, select an existing invoice file or create a new invoice file in which to include the retainage amounts computed during this session.
    • To select an existing file, click the file on the list and click OK.
    • To create a new file, click New and enter a name for the file in the File Name field. Click OK.
    DPS adds the retainage amounts to the selected or new invoice file and displays the Bill Retainage dialog box.
  6. On the Bill Retainage dialog box, select a single invoice or multiple invoices to bill all or part of the project, phase, or task's retainage.
  7. Click Preview to view the invoice and verify that the appropriate retainage amounts appear on the invoice.
  8. If the amounts are not correct, modify retainage amounts on the Misc tab of the Billing Terms form (Billing > Billing Terms).
  9. When the amounts are correct, click Bill. DPS displays the following message:

    Billing retainage totaling <retainage total> from invoices. Do you want to continue?

  10. Click Yes to print the invoice with the total retainage amount.
  11. Click Close to close the Bill Retainage dialog box.
  12. Post the invoice file that includes the retainage amount that you billed.