Toolbar of the Billing Groups Form

Use toolbar options to create, save, or delete billing groups, or to print related reports.


Field Description
New Click this option to create a new billing group. A blank form opens with the appropriate fields enabled.
Delete Open a billing group record and then click this option to delete the entire billing group. If you delete a billing group, you delete the grouping only, or the association of main projects to sub-projects. You do not delete the project records from the Projects hub.
Print After you click this option, select one of the following:
  • Click Print Current Billing Group to print the group currently displayed in your browser window.
  • Click Print Active Group to print the group currently displayed in your browser window and all other open groups.
  • Click Select Billing Group to Print to open the Billing Group Lookup and select the groups that you want to print.
Search Click this option to find one or more billing groups.