Reconcile a Bank Statement That Contains Imported Transactions

After you import bank statements, use the Bank Statement Reconciliation form to reconcile the statements.

To reconcile a bank statement that contains imported transactions:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Cash Management > Bank Reconciliation.
  2. In the Bank field on the Bank Statement Selection dialog box, click the drop-down arrow and select the bank.
  3. Complete one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    To start the reconciliation process for the statement In Statement Status, select New.

    For New Statement Date, specify the statement date.

    To continue a reconciliation process begun previously, for which the statement date has already been entered and saved In Statement Status, select In Progress.

    For In Progress/Closed Statement Date, specify the statement date.

  4. Click Select.
  5. Import the bank statement:
    1. On the toolbar of the Bank Statement Reconciliation form, click Import > Import Bank Transactions.
    2. On the Import New Bank Transactions dialog box, click Browse beside the File field and open the file to import.
    3. On the Import New Bank Transactions dialog box, click OK. The import process begins and automatically matches imported records to posted records that are associated with the active bank statement.
  6. On the Import tab of the Bank Statement Reconciliation form, review the summary and details of imported bank records.
    Option Description
    To view imported records that matched posted records Set the Matched option to Matched.
    To view imported records that do not match posted records Set the Matched option to Unmatched. Select the row of the imported record and click the amount (which displays as a hyperlink) to match it with a posted record.
  7. If you did not select Automatically Cleared Matched Transactions on the Import tab of Settings > Accounting > Banks, select the Cleared Matched Transactions option on the Matched Transactions dialog box to clear the posted records that have a matched imported record.
  8. If there are imported transactions that remain unmatched, manually match them to posted records.
  9. After you match bank statement records with posted transactions and enter miscellaneous transactions, click the Summary tab and use its fields and options to verify that the calculated closing balance ties out to the closing balance on the statement.
  10. If you want to mark the statement as closed so the statement date no longer displays on the list of in-progress statement dates, click the Main tab and select the Closed check box.