Summary Tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation Form

Use this tab to review the summary of imported, cleared, and uncleared totals by secondary credit card.


You can also enter any finance charge or monthly fees for a credit card statement to help determine that there is no difference between the statement ending balance and the cleared balance plus the additional balance amount.

Summary Grid

This grid displays a summary of the detailed information from the Charges tab for each secondary credit card that is associated with the statement's primary credit card. Each row in the grid summarizes and displays the total amounts for a secondary credit card that is associated with the statement's primary credit card.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, the amounts in the Summary grid are in the currency of the credit card, which is entered in Settings > Advanced Accounting > Credit Cards. This is the currency in which you receive the credit card statement and is likely the currency in which you pay the credit card company. If the credit card currency is different than the functional currency of the credit card company, the Functional Currency Cleared Charges (<currency>) field also displays in the grid.

Summary Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Summary Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Summary Grid Fields

Field Description
Secondary Account This field displays a secondary credit card that is associated with the primary account for the statement.
Imported Charges This field displays only if you import charges from a credit card statement into DPS for the primary credit card. This is the total amount of all imported charges that displays on the Charges tab for a secondary credit card. These charges display with an amount in the Imported Amount field on the Charges tab.
Total Charges This field displays only if you do not import charges from a credit card statement into DPS for the primary credit card. This is the sum of the amounts in the Cleared and Uncleared/Missing Charges columns in the Summary grid on this tab for a secondary credit card.
Cleared Charges This field displays the total of the charges for a secondary credit card that have been posted in DPS (via an expense report or AP disbursement) and specified as cleared on the Charges tab.

If you import charges from a credit card statement into DPS for the primary credit card, the cleared charges total is the total of the amounts in the Posted Amount field on the Charges tab for charges that have the Cleared check box selected.

If you do not import charges from a credit card statement into DPS, the cleared charges total is the total of the amounts in the Amount column on the Charges tab for charges that have the Cleared check box selected.

Uncleared/Missing Charges This field displays the total of uncleared charges on the Charges tab for a secondary credit card.
If you import charges from a credit card statement into DPS for the primary credit card, this amount includes both of the following:
  • Uncleared imported charges (including charges that have or do not have an associated posted amount). This is the imported amount from the Charges tab.
  • Uncleared posted DPS charges that are not associated with an imported charge on the Charges tab. This is the posted amount from the Charges tab.
If you do not import charges from a credit card statement into DPS for the primary credit card, this amount includes both of the following:
  • Missing charges that you insert in the Credit Card Charges grid on the Charges tab.
  • Uncleared posted charges on the Charges tab.
Functional Currency Cleared Charges (<currency>)

This field displays if you use multiple currencies and the credit card currency (entered in Credit Card Settings and used to pay the credit card company) is different than the functional currency of the credit card company. This field displays the functional currency amount of the original expense report and AP disbursement transactions from the time of the posting.

You can use the amount in this field to calculate the amount for a journal entry to record the gain or loss in the value of an expense amount as the result of exchange rate fluctuation during the time between when an expense report is posted and the credit card voucher is paid. After the statement is reconciled, you can calculate the amount for the manual journal entry by taking the functional currency cleared charges amount less the amount of the voucher in the functional currency that was entered to pay the credit card statement (as seen on the AP Voucher Posting Log). The journal entry would be made to the company paid accounts and the gain/loss account (likely the realized gain/loss account if the credit card company has already been paid).

Totals The totals for each of the Imported Charges, Cleared Charges, Uncleared/Missing Charges, and Functional Currency Cleared Charges columns in the grid display in a Totals bar at the bottom of the grid.

Fields Below the Grid

The amounts below the grid show you if the statement is completely reconciled.

Field Description
Statement Ending Balance This field prefills with the amount from the Statement Ending Balance field on the Main tab of the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation form. This is the ending balance from your credit card statement.
Cleared Balance This field displays the total of all cleared changes from all secondary credit cards for a statement.
Additional Balance Enter any missing amounts, such as finance charges or monthly fees for a credit card statement. If you import charges from credit card statements into DPS and you would also like to import the finance charges/monthly fees, you could set up a secondary credit card in Credit Card Settings for finance charges/fees to record these charges.
Difference This field displays the statement ending balance less the cleared balance and less the additional balance. A statement with a 0 difference is completely reconciled.