Toolbar of the Credit Card Statement Reconciliation Form

Use the toolbar options to save information, create a new credit card statement, import credit card charges into the statement, and access online help.


Field Description
New Click this option to open the Credit Card Statement Selection dialog box and create a new credit card statement.
Open Click this option to open the Credit Card Statement Selection dialog box and access an in-progress or closed credit card statement or create a new credit card statement.
Import Click this option and then click one of the following options:
  • Import Charges: Select this option to open the Import New Charges dialog box from which you select a text file that contains credit card data to import.
  • Import Charges Error: Select this option to print import a report that identifies any errors that were encountered during the last import that you performed for the statement currently open in Credit Card Reconciliation.
  • Import Charges History: Select this option to open the Import Charges History dialog box and view or undo imported credit card charges. You can undo credit card charges if you have imported them into the wrong credit card statement.