Expense Code Override Table

Expense code override tables are exception tables that let you assign bill by default settings for specific expense codes for a project.

The exception table settings override the bill by default settings that:

  • Apply to all expense codes for a project.

  • Are located in the Consultants field and Other Expenses field on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub in the desktop application.

For example, most other expenses might be billable to a client with the exception of meals. In this scenario, on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub, select Yes in the Other Expenses field in the Bill by Default section. Enter the expense code for meals in an expense override table and do not select its Bill by Default check box (leave it cleared) in the table.

You can associate an override table with a project at the lowest chargeable level.

After you set up an expense code override table, it becomes available for selection in the Override Table field in the Bill by Default section of the Accounting tab in the Projects hub.

If you firm uses multiple companies, you must set up expense code override tables for each company in your enterprise.