Billing Backup Tab of Default Billing Terms

Use this tab to define the default labor and expense information that you want to display on the Billing Backup report.


Print Backup Report Section

Field Description
Print Backup Report Select this check box to print the Billing Backup report after invoices are generated for the project in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing.

When you select this check box, the other check boxes and fields in this section are enabled.

Show Labor Select this check box to print labor billing detail on the Billing Backup report. You can use the labor related options on this tab to further specify the type of labor detail that prints on the report.
Labor Code Select this check box to show the labor code that is associated with each employee labor transaction shown on the Billing Backup report. The labor code description does not print. If you would like the labor code description to print, you can sort based on labor code.
Labor Category Select this check box to show the labor category associated with each employee labor transaction shown on the Billing Backup report. The labor category description does not print. If you would like the labor category description to print, you can sort based on labor category.
Timesheet Comments Select this check box to display timesheet comments (if any) for labor transactions included on the Billing Backup report. The expanded text content will appear when this option is selected.
Employee Number Select this check box to show the employee number associated with each employee labor transaction shown on the Billing Backup report.
Sort  Labor Select a sort method to use in addition to the two sorting methods selected on the Labor tab of Billing Terms. Options are:
  • None: No additional sort.
  • By labor code: Sort by labor code description. When this option is selected, the Billing Backup report displays the description of the labor code, not the code itself. The labor code description used depends on the labor code table selected from the Sort Table field.  Since selecting the option to Print Labor Code displays the labor code and not the description, sorting by labor code allows you to display the description of the labor code on the report, in addition to grouping by labor code.
  • By date:  Sort by transaction date.
  • By employee:  Sort by employee name.
  • By labor category: Sort by labor category description. When this option is selected, the Billing Backup report displays the description of the labor category, not the number associated with the category. The labor category description used depends on the labor category table selected from the Sort Table field. Since selecting the option to Print Labor Category displays the labor category and not the description, sorting by labor category allows you to display the description of the labor category on the report, in addition to grouping by labor category.

The sort you select here acts as a third sort following the first two sorting options on the Labor tab of Billing Terms. The sort allows the invoice to include consolidated information only, while including detailed subtotals by a sort on the Billing Back report. This option is intended as a sort to be used in addition to the two options on the Labor tab. If you select the same sort here as is selected in the two sort fields on the Labor tab, there will be no impact on sorting.

Sort Table If By Labor Code or By labor category is selected in the Sort By field, this field lists the labor code or labor category tables available for selection.
Include Labor for Select an option from the drop-down list to include labor on the Billing Backup report based on whether or not labor and/or fee billing terms are established for a given project.
Options are:
  • Sections with labor terms: Select this option to include labor on the Billing Backup report for any phase or task that has labor billing terms defined. For example, suppose you have a project established that has two levels of work breakdown structure, and at the second level, the phase level, you have labor billing terms defined. Selecting this option will include this phase-level labor detail on the Billing Backup report.
  • Sections with labor or fee terms: Select this option to include labor on the Billing Backup report for any phase or task that has labor and or fee billing terms defined. For example, suppose you have a project established that has three levels of work breakdown structure, and at the second and third levels, the phase and task levels, you have some phases and tasks with labor billing terms defined and some with fee billing terms defined. Selecting this option will include labor for all of these phases and tasks on the Billing Backup report. Labor associated with fee-based billing terms shows hours only, and zero amounts.

Labor or fee billing terms must be defined at the phase or task level for labor to print for these sub-levels, unless the Labor Method (Labor tab) or Fee Method (Fee tab) is established at the project level.

Use as Project Reporting Default Terms for Fee Sections of Draft Invoices Select this check box to use project reporting default terms to determine the labor amounts that display on the billing backup portion of draft invoices for a fee invoice.
If this option is selected, when the invoice is generated, the billing backup first looks to the project's labor terms to see if the option to use for project reporting default terms only is selected. If this option is not selected and the project's Labor Method is set to No labor billing, then DPS uses the project reporting default terms defined in Billing Configuration.
  • The project reporting default terms are only used to calculate the amounts. The formatting of the billing backup, detail that is included in the labor section, and sorting is defined on the billing backup tab.
  • If a project has lower WBS levels (phase, task for example), DPS first looks to the lowest WBS level and then upwards (task, phase, project, for example).
  • The Use as Project Reporting Default Terms for Fee Sections of Draft Invoices field is only enabled when the user has selected the Sections with labor or fee terms option from the Include labor for field (see previous item in this list).
  • When this check box is selected it is possible that the total on the invoice will not match the total on the billing backup report.
Show Employee As From the drop-down list in this field, select one of the following options to specify how to identify the timesheet labor detail on the Billing Backup report.
  • Employee Name: Select this option to show only the employee's name to identify a timesheet line item on the Billing Backup report.
  • Employee Title: Select this option to show only the employee's title to identify a timesheet line item on the Billing Backup report.
  • Labor Category Description: Select this option to show only the labor category description to identify a timesheet line item on the Billing Backup report. This is useful when you want to show the role or category for the timesheet line without displaying the employee's name. When you select this option, you also select a billing rate table in the Table field. DPS uses this table to determine the labor category description.
  • Labor Code Description: Select this option to show only the labor code description to identify a timesheet line item on the Billing Backup report. This option is useful when you want to show the labor code for a timesheet line item without displaying the employee's name. When you select this option, you also select a billing rate table in the Table field. DPS uses this table to determine the labor code description.
Table This field is enabled if you selected Labor Category Description or Labor Code Description in the Show Employee As field. The table that you enter in this field determines the labor category or labor code description that will show on the Billing Backup report. Click in this field to select a rate table on the Billing Rate Table lookup.

This field prefills with the following entries, which you can change:

  • If you selected Labor Category Description or Labor Code Description in the Primary field in the Labor Sorting section on this tab, the Table field prefills with the billing rate table that you entered in the Table field for the Primary labor sorting field.
  • If you did not select Labor Category Description or Labor Code Description in the Primary field in the Labor Sorting section on this tab but you selected By category or By labor code in the Method field on this tab, this field prefills with the table that is entered for the method in the Rate Table field on this tab.
  • If you entered By category or By labor code for both the billing method and primary sort method, the table that is entered for the sorting method prefills in the Table field.
Show Expense/Consultant/Unit Select this check box to print consultant, expense, and unit expense on the Billing Backup report. You can use the expense-related options on this tab to further specify the type of expense data that prints on the report.
Transaction Type Select this check box to print the transaction type of each expense transaction on the report.
Vendor Invoice and Date Select this check box to control the amount of information that appears on the Billing Backup report to describe each accounts payable transaction. The report always includes the voucher number, the date the voucher was recorded, and the vendor name. If you select this option, the report also includes the vendor's invoice number and invoice date, shown on the same line as the other information.
AP Voucher Description Select this check box to print the AP voucher and AP disbursement descriptions associated with AP transactions on the Billing Backup report.
Employee Expense Description Select this check box to print employee expense report line item descriptions on the Billing Backup report. The description that prints is the main description entered by an employee on the expense report.
Employee Expense Reason Select this check box to print the reason for each expense entered on the expense report. This reason is entered by the employee on the expense report. This option is available only if your company uses the Employee Expense application.
Mileage for Employee Expenses Select this check box to print the mileage amount as calculated on the expense report. DPS retrieves this information from the employee expense report. This option is available only if your company uses DPS Employee Expense.
Sort Exp/Consultant Select a sort method to use in addition to the invoice sorting method selected on the Expense/Consultant/Unit tab of the Billing Terms form. Options are:
  • None
  • By vendor
  • By date

The By vendor option is only available if your firm owns DPS Accounting or DPS Planning.

Sort Table If By vendor is selected in the Sort By field, this field lists the Expenses by vendor tables available for selection.
Use Project Reporting Default Terms for Draft Invoices Select this check box if you want expenses, consultant expenses, and unit expenses to display on the Billing Backup report for draft invoices even when these expenses are not being billed on the final invoice. This may be helpful for your invoice review process for fixed fee invoices, before you generate final invoices.

The check box setting that you enter at work breakdown structure level 1 (projects) also applies for work breakdown structure levels 2 and 3 (phase and task).

In addition to selecting this check box:

  • To determine the expense, consultant expense, and unit expense detail to display on the Billing Backup report: On the Billing Backup tab, select the Show Expenses/Consultant/Unit check box and any of the check boxes below it, such as Transaction Type, Vendor Invoice and Date, and so on.
  • On the Expenses/Units tab in Billing Terms for a project, in each Expense Terms, Consultant Terms, or Unit Billing Terms section:
    • Select the Use as Project Reporting Default Terms Only check box.
    • Enter the billing terms for determining the monetary value for the expense charges, and select other options for showing details and multipliers.

      If these billing terms are not defined, the Billing Backup report uses the billing terms that are entered on the Expenses/Units tab in Settings > Billing > Reporting Default Terms.

Direct and reimbursable expenses are included on the Billing Backup report.

Show Fee Total Select this check box to print the fee amount. If there are multiple WBS levels (phases/tasks) displayed on the invoice, the fee prints with each WBS section.

The Billing Backup report shows the fee total and not the full fee detail included in the invoice. To see the details of the fee, view the actual invoice.

Show Add-ons Select this check box to print the add-on fees (defined as an add-on percentage or mark up or a specific amount). If there are multiple WBS levels on the invoice, there will be multiple add-on amounts in the report. For example, if an add-on fee is defined in three separate phases, the Billing Backup report also shows the fee amount associated with each phase.
Display Supporting Document Icon in Backup Report This check box is activated only after you select the AP Vouchers and Disbursements check box, the Expense Reports check box, or both in the Print Supporting Documents section on this tab.

Select this check box if you want the Documents icon to display on the Billing Backup report for billing line items that have supporting documents. This applies only for the type of billable transactions that you selected in the Print Supporting Documents section. The icon lets you know that there is a supporting document associated with a billing line item if the supporting document is set to print with the invoice.

Print Supporting Documents Section

Field Description
AP Vouchers and Disbursements Select this check box for the following to occur:
  • When a billable AP voucher or AP disbursement transaction is posted and it has a supporting document associated with it, the supporting document automatically prints with the invoice.
  • When you open the Supporting Document dialog box in Interactive Billing to view a billing item's supporting document, the Print With Invoice column now displays on the dialog box, and the check box is selected for the supporting document for a billable A/P voucher or A/P disbursement transaction.

    When the AP Vouchers and Disbursements check box is not selected, but the Print With Invoice check box is selected for the associated supporting document, the documents will not be included when the invoice is printed.

Whether or not this option is selected, supporting documents for a voucher or disbursement never display or print when you preview or print the credit memo.

Expense Reports Select this check box for the following to occur:
  • When a billable expense report transaction is posted, and it has a supporting document associated with it, the supporting document automatically prints with the invoice.
  • When you open the Supporting Document dialog box in Interactive Billing to view a billing item's supporting document, the Print With Invoice column now displays on the dialog box, and the check box is selected for the supporting document for a billable expense report transaction.

    When the Expense Reports check box is not selected, but the Print With Invoice option is selected for the associated supporting document, the document will not be included when the invoice is printed.

Units Select this check box for the following to occur:
  • When a billable units transaction is posted and it has a supporting document associated with it, the supporting document automatically prints with the invoice.
  • When you open the Supporting Document dialog box in Interactive Billing to view a billing item's supporting document, the Print With Invoice column now displays on the dialog box, and the check box is selected for the supporting document for a billable units transaction. When the Units check box is not selected, but the Print With Invoice check box is selected for the associated supporting document, the document will not be included when the invoice is printed.